
Friday, May 10, 2024

Former Chief UK Advisor: Ukraine is a “Corrupt Mafia State”

Former Downing Street chief advisor Dominic Cummings says Ukraine is a “corrupt mafia state” and that the west “should have never got into the whole stupid situation.”

Cummings made the comments as he unveiled plans for a new ‘Start-Up Party’ to replace the Conservatives.


  1. While keeping an open mind on the whole situation, it's worth pointing out that Cummings isn't exactly the greatest strategic brain around. On the contrary, he's just a nutter with a talent for gutter politics. So more than a pinch of salt required.

    1. A ship load of salt is required. He has confused Russia and Ukraine. Russia is, indeed, a mafia state. Putin is the head of it.

  2. This just in from the Department of “Duh!”

  3. Well he isn't wrong (this time).

  4. well, yeah. and they have tons of blackmail on every dumb fuck congress critter that was stupid enough to go there. why else would the morons in congress keeping giving billions of our tax dollars to that shithole of a country ? granted they getting 10% or more kicked back to them anyway. in a just and fair system, all of the assholes tied to this bullshit should be stripped of their wealth and tossed in prison for life. but that just me. dave in pa.

  5. Didn't a guy named Donald tell us this back in 2017?

  6. It is with great regret that we mourn for Mr. Cummings, who died today by his own hand...

  7. Oddly enough, that's half the reason the Russians went in.

    1. the russians went in because they are running out of businesses to shake down in their own country.

      russia is essentially a mafia-run gas station with some old nukes in the back shed left behind by the previous owners.

      ukraine, after the Maidan revolution, decided they no longer wanted to do things the russian way. russia decided that ukraine was not allowed to stop paying protection money to the mafia dons in moscow.

      and here we are, 800+ days into a 3-day special military operation. russia has taken 28 times the casualties it took in afghanistan, in 12% of the time. they lose 60 tanks a day on average, and can only put 40 a day on the line by pulling 70 year old clunkers out of the graveyard, and they're running out of those.

      they've started issuing chinese-made golf carts to infantry units because there are no APC's left.

      and when the orcs weren't busy stealing washing machines,, it took the time to steal 700,000 ukrainian children from their parents. and those are the russian numbers. they're proud of it. at least the nazis had the sense to be ashamed of taking polish children because they knew it was wrong.


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