
Friday, May 10, 2024

Social Security just passed Medicare as the government's most pressing insolvency risk

Social Security has now passed Medicare as the most pressing insolvency risk among the twin pillars of America's social safety net, according to new government reports. But both programs are still on pace to run dry next decade.

The 2024 Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports, however, did offer a glimmer of good news for Social Security and a jolt of good news for Medicare.


  1. No problem.
    We'll just add the current count of 25 million illegals, promising them hefty payments and the problem will be solved.
    And, of course, bring in an other 25 million of them.

  2. And yet they never talk about welfare running out of money.

  3. I don’t understand how SS can go broke before welfare or the pointless EPA or the equally pointless Dept of Education.

    1. It’s not what it seems. Gov offices have been “borrowing “ from the fund and giving the SS office I.O U.’s. Pay back the original money and it suddenly is solvent. They seem to never pay the money back though.

  4. That was the point of the Wuhan Flu. To get rid of all those unfunded liabilities, I.e. old people on Social Security because they don’t have enough money to fund it anymore

  5. and just where do you think the money the illegals are getting is coming from ? SSI
    and they getting the max amount too. after never putting a dime in the system.
    now image how people who have worked and paid into that system for most of their working life fell when the assholes are giving more to the damn illegals than they get per month. so, yeah. there are a lot of pissed off people around here in pa. dave in pa.

  6. Ya buys yer ticket and takes yer chances. I've been collecting SS for 20 years so I certainly reaped more Moola than I sowed from the Ponzi scheme. As far as Medicare goes, I beat the system there too. Got acquired hemophilia after a couple of Moderna covid shots and ran up a 1.4-million-dollar medical bill which between my health insurance and Medicare left me with mere $2,500 out of pocket.

  7. WestcoastDeplorableMay 10, 2024 at 3:51 PM

    How 'bout that 1 Trillion the Fedgov has to borrow every 100 days to keep the country running?

  8. Maybe it will be ok when Ukraine pays us back. /s

  9. I lost my job at the start of the pandemic and turned 65 6 months later. The prospects aren't good for a 64yo construction worker trying to find work during a time of mass hysteria and a nationwide lockdown. To add to the fun, you're required to sign up for Medicare within 3 months of turning 65. Imagine my surprise to learn that if you can't make your Part B payments you have to pay a 10% penalty for the rest of your life. I couldn't draw SS until I was 66 and 3 months. That was when I learned that the gov't takes your Medicare payment from your SS check and that they take the money even if you never sign up for Medicare.


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