
Thursday, May 09, 2024

Jussie Smollett, Bubba Wallace, Terry Williams.....

A San Francisco man is livid after finding a doll with a noose around it's neck among other things on the doorstep of his Alamo Square home.

Terry Williams says he can't sleep at night after the events of what happened April 26. One what seemed like an ordinary morning, Terry woke up to take his three Rottweilers out for a walk around 6 a.m. That's when his father found something on the doorstep that shook him to the core.


  1. Fer Christ sake Terry stop making a mountain out of a chimp hill. There's no need to create a racial incident. If you're trying to get a gig on "The View" just so you can get up close with the Whoopi bootie, send them a text.

  2. Enjoy your "Cali Life", thug-boy.

  3. i was gonna say 'watch, there will be a fukkn gofundme'....well, gottdamm, there is one
    if found to be a hoax, there should be a hanging

  4. How did this unknown person obtain a picture of the "victim?"

  5. Hate hoax exposed in 3....2....1....

  6. BS of the purest ray serene.

  7. If there's a noose, it's a ruse.

  8. Get in, Sit down, Shut up and Hang on. Here we go again, the credibility of a black thug will go unquestioned by the Media. Possible Sainthood!

  9. Fucking Chimp Liar..................................

  10. 3 rottweilers and none of them barked when someone was on his porch?

  11. "When I'm walking dogs, I'm constantly watching my shoulder now." Yeah, a man walking 3 rotties is in so much danger.

    None of this makes sense. None of it. I'm a bit disappointed he didn't try to work a MAGA hat into the story somehow.

  12. Because SF has always been a hotbed of white supremacy. smh

  13. Let’s see, how can I draw attention to myself and my business in a town that’s as far left as can be? Make myself a victim among victims. The Mac Daddy of victimiology!

    Maybe I’m too jaded


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