
Monday, May 27, 2024

NOAA predicts record hurricane season for 2024

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has issued its highest-on record May hurricane forecast for the upcoming hurricane season.

All categories of storms are expected to exceed the typical number seen every year, National Weather Service forecasters announced Thursday in a news conference for the 2024 hurricane outlook.


  1. OH MY GAWD !!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE !!!!! AGAIN !!!!! (ho hum). I've seen this movie before.

    1. Yep, same bullshit every year. Always vastly overestimated.

  2. More doom porn. Might happen, might not. But the powers that be will overplay the shit out of it with plenty of red graphics on every weather report. Am I the only one getting sick of this bullshit? Eod1sg Ret

    1. It's like our tornado watches/warnings on the weather radio. They throw one out every time there's a little thunder way off in the distance. I don't pay them much mind, matter of fact last night we got a tornado warning right when I was going to bed. I slept like a baby.

    2. I'm just as sick of it, too. Fuck them and their doom porn.

    3. That makes four of us. They try to portray themselves as the all knowing weather gods when they can't get a ten day forecast right 90% of the time. Then they want us to believe that, using the same weather models and algorithms, they can us what's going to happen over the next 3-6 months or 100 years from now.


    4. If they were so confident of their forecasts, they'd place their own money betting on it and retire early as millionaires.

  3. I have been saying that ever since the sunspot activity increased. It is going to be a hotter than normal summer and expect severe weather this winter.

  4. These are the same guys that can't tell you with any certainty if it's going to rain tomorrow?

  5. Same every hurricane season. Hide yo kids hide yo wife!!!

    Then nothing

  6. It's only a matter of time that they get the seeding of weather correct. I think the people controlling the weather by Mexico City have got something to their liking. Mexico city is running out of water. 23 million people. You have not seen nothing yet of people running across the border.

  7. lotta heat this year, there will be hurricanes...again, like every year

    let's just hope & pray the devastation and death is minimal, i cant handle any more price hikes on the gd homeowners policy

    my area has been spared catastrophic storms for decades but that doesnt stop the insurance machine, you'd think that all their quiet-year gains would be set aside for the occasional bad year, nope, too much fraud and fraudulent shitstains ruin it for the group

  8. "NOAA predicts record hurricane season..."

  9. There will be so many hurricanes that we should stay home and do mail-in ballots in November.

  10. I've been going on the NOAA site for the past four years and every single year the prediction has been "a record hurricane season".

  11. But... but... mother earth would never do that to her children. Maybe we need more abortions to appease the global warmong gods.
    Lefty idiots.

  12. NOAA ought to stick to counting whales.

  13. They said the exact same thing last year.


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