
Wednesday, May 08, 2024

NYC bust - 'ghost' guns and and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.....

Four suspects are charged with 35 crimes relating to a gun trafficking operation in Central New York.

According to New York Attorney General Letitia James, three Central New York men and one South Carolina man were charged with various counts of criminal possession and criminal sale of a firearm for their involvement in the firearms trafficking operation.


  1. Taking those 9 guns off the street surely stopped a terrorist attack or military invasion.


  2. The comments after the article are pathetic. They reveal how truly brainwashed the public in NY is. Some of those comments are clearly from gun owners - and they’re all in on prostrating themselves to NY’s gun laws. Let this be a warning - there’s no redeeming these people who leave these commie states. They’ll bring their slave-to-tyranny mentality with them, and will be voting accordingly in wherever they wind up after they leave NY.

    1. Yep, most bring their crap with them and want to make your life just as crappy as what they ran away from...

  3. They show 3 photos and one is serialized

  4. Per TBP, "It's them again oo Boo."

    1. Love the TBP. It's populated by an advanced crowd of people. No one pulls the wool over their eye's.

  5. So they were unregistered anyway.....illegal to posses as they were. Matters little if they were "un-serialized" or not.
    "Ghost Gun" is just a label to make it sound more scary to NY Liberals.

  6. Cross over into Pennsylvania and none of that is against the law.

    1. for now anyway. although they are trying to change that right now.
      which is kind of stupid as people in this state have been making guns long before
      1776. home built arms is kind of a hobby for a lot of people around here.
      there are lots of sporting clubs and private rifle ranges in this area as well.
      I seen more than a few home built weapons at them. lot of black powder ones as well. dave in pa.

  7. Well, the only "registered" firearm I own is an old pre-model 27 .357 Magnum. While I had to register weapons on military bases, part of clearing those bases was clearing PMO by picking up those registration cards. Never lived in a state were you had to register shit but your cars and never will.

  8. Hundreds of rounds of ammunition. They would shit if they saw what sometimes falls out of my truck when I open the door at Krogers

  9. What will they call them when "Ghost Guns" no longer gives them a thrill?
    Monster guns? Fentanyl guns, maybe?
    Be immune to the nightly news.

    1. I've been hearing about zombie guns - guns that are assembled from firearms that were parted out after gun buybacks or seizures. New York and California are having fits over them.

    2. there used to be 2 good sites to buy "parts kits" from. but I have not be able to find
      the ones I used to see. guess the libs got them shut down.
      and a lot of parts kits have gone up a lot in price, so I would guess the heat is on them as well now. dave in pa.

  10. It would be interesting to note how many homicides are committed in New York with weapons that have serial numbers. I'm kinda thinking serial numbers is a distraction. People who have zero respect for laws are the problem, not those pesky serial numbers.

  11. No indication that any of these people were selling these parts to potential criminals. Chances are they were dealing with responsible gun owners who were enjoying their Second Amendment rights to making and maintaining firearms. Unfinished parts are not weapons. This is just another example of the totalitarian government in NY. Fuck Hochul. Gov Hall Monitor

  12. Best comment of all! "The charges against the defendants are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law." So it matters none that they all have rap sheets and more than likely outstandings as well. Let's be sure they're treated fairly!

  13. Happiness is a "cold piece."

  14. It's New York. Where they want to ban Glock pistols rather than prosecute state and Federal crimes for possession / use of a machine gun. (Glock switch)
    Because hey, prosecuting people who have and use Glock switches would have a "disparate impact" on the "community"
    John in Indy

    1. John, after the feds and 17 states sued Kia and Hyundai because crooks were stealing cars manufactured by them because " it was too easy to steal them" instead of blaming the thieves that was committing the crime anything is possible with the retards in charge


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