
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sand in the Face

As final confirmation came that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi died when his helicopter crashed in northern Iran, I was aghast to see the Biden administration offer its condolences for the death of a murderer. A press statement attributed to career Washingtonian and State Department spokesman Matthew Miller offered the following:


  1. Still not as bad as Obama going golfing 15 minutes after announcing the beheading of American citizen, James Foley though. Halfrican POS....
    - WDS

  2. Biden showing what a DA both him and his handlers are.

  3. Butcher? Murderer? Like he lined innocents against a wall and shot them personally? Nope. The article smears him for being president of Iran while our troops and Marines were dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Iran was allegedly supplying jihadis with IEDs.

    I say allegedly because I've learned how the usual suspects in the IC and the MIC beat the war drums in order to keep the money flowing. How they due it is by making stuff up. Fiction. Lies.

    If we're accepting the PAO author's statement at face value, Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, Biden- all butchers, murderers.

    Right, maybe the guy's got a point. But he would never point a finger at U.S. presidents. Because it's different when we do it.


  4. Biden asked the Ayatolloh what the Iranian funeral tradition was. They said an offering of a pallet of $100 million in American currency. Biden turned to a lackey and muttered: "Make it happen".

    1. Oh you mean Antony "Guitar-Man" Blinken?


  5. It's called diplomacy. It's something that seems to be forgotten by a lot of war mongering shitbirds nowadays. Hell, we sent Vice President George H W Bush to Brezhnev's funeral in 1982. Guess what? The Soviets weren't our friends then either. It's amazing to me how many people we have in key leadership positions that act more like grade school bullies than diplomats. That attitude is going to bite us in the ass very soon. You don't have to like a motherfucker to try and get along with them or to set terms you can live with. Gunboat diplomacy only works if you have the most and best gunboats. And money to buy more. Eod1sg Ret

    1. Spot on Eod1sg Ret and missed by a lot of folks. It is what Trump was doing when negotiating with leaders of the totalitarian countries around the world. The left called it man-love, admiration and such, never realizing you are more likely to reach an agreement if you are decent\diplomatic to people vs calling them murders, tyrants and other, even when true.
      I used to watch the Canadian and British Parliments and always enjoyed how they would insult other members, sometimes quite so, while maintain the air of a gentlement and using politeness. (eg. If the Honorable Gentlement from London would get his head out his arse he could see how wrong he is.) Almost like watching a good British comedy.

  6. Nah, pedo joe just wanted to be sure his checks would keep coming. . .


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