
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

You mean his last day?



  1. That's gota hurt, both the thrashing and the bottom line.

    Test test from my laptop (getting lots of failed to publish comment errors)

    1. You're not the only one. I'm not getting nearly as many comments these past few days as I usually do.

    2. Test, test, test
      I haven't been able to comment since Monday morning

    3. No not yet ......atleast no one has mentioned that to me......

    4. I get a better result on 'Edge' as opposed to FireFox browser.

  2. What kind of glass costs $40k? And why let a fricking newbie move it around?

  3. The company should have evaluated his work for a couple of days before giving him a job like this.

  4. Last day? Not if he is a union member.

    1. Keep on believing that. I was a member of the Teamsters when I worked at Safeway's warehouse for 25 years and there wasn't a week gone by that somebody didn't get fired.

  5. The Crisis of Competence (clot shot/DEI) strikes again.

  6. I... Dunno. I know some employers who would figure that it's just part of the cost of training new people. As long as the guy seemed to have learned his lesson, they'd keep him, figuring that now he knows (REALLY KNOWS) not to do that.

    Knew a new apprentice who got a bit too enthusiastic, and took the plastic wrap off a reel of wire with a utility knife. It wasn't a $40K reel, but it was well over $20K. And it was cut to order. Even though he only ruined the first 60' or so, that was enough that the remains weren't usable elsewhere, and they had to shell out for a complete replacement. It was at the Kroger dairy plant in Denver.

    Yeah, they kept him.

  7. Re cost of glass: try ordering some 1/2” tempered energy rated special size panels these days…

  8. I work with a guy who, while it wasn't his first day - it was within his first year, earned the nickname "the million dollar kid". He was switching railroad cars and derailed a string of auto carriers filled with Mercedes'. Yup, over a million $$$ in 'damages'. They completely write off and destroy any auto involved in such an incident.

    Investigation revealed it wasn't his fault - it was track structure - but the nickname has still stuck going on 8 years.

  9. An electronic tech at my first employer decided to take a forklift for a quick spin in the loading dock, since it looked like so much fun. He made it 20 feet before punching straight through a wall. While out on a 3-day suspension for the stunt, he was called at home and offered the position of department head, effective upon his return.

    He hired me and was my first boss. Taught me everything I ever needed to know about corporate policy.



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