
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Biden admin to close ICE’s largest detention center

The Biden administration plans to shut down Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s largest detention center, citing the fact that it is the “most expensive facility” in the nation, the New York Post reported. 

The South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas, has the capacity to hold 2,400 illegal immigrants. The facility is run by a private prison contractor, Tennessee-based CoreCivic, according to the Border Report.


  1. biden's handlers have a little over 6 months to maximize their damage. If the commiecrats dont loose then voting has no point and we will be worse than a third world shit hole.

  2. Replies
    1. Well, we are talking about the illegal xiden regime.

  3. Biden administration: citing the fact that it is the “most expensive facility” in the nation
    Oh, they must mean *after* the White House and Congress.
    Steve S6

    1. Pfffft.....White House and Congress are pikers compared to what Langley costs us, and their shit doesn't even show up on the books.

  4. They are not stupid. Every step they take is designed lesson our rights as citizens and to eliminate any influence the descendants of the founders have over our “rulers”.

  5. why not close it -- with all the bussing of the illegals -- they've transferred the cost of "caring" for them over to the unlucky cities/states they targeted
    and without alot of them being in one location, it makes it harder for the T- team (if they win) to find them and deport them

  6. corecivic must have failed to pay the big guy

  7. He and Obama are out to destroy.

    1. Destroy? I think it's pronounced: fundamentally transform

  8. So where will the inmates be sent to ? Allowed to go free, "waiting" for their hearing or are they being deported to their origin ?


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