
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Supreme Court: Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Allow Disarmament

By an 8-1 vote with Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting, the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld a federal statute which bans people placed under domestic violence restraining orders from firearms possession.


  1. Great, a SCOTUS mandated weapon for disgruntled women to use in an acrimonious divorce.

    1. Think it'll stop there? Let's pass a community safety ordinance that allows others to file domestic violence orders on behalf of the "victim" - after all, the potential victims fear for their lives if they request such an order.
      See "Castle Rock vs Gonzales" as the justification
      I small another SCOTUS ruling in the future

  2. This is just wrong.

  3. Totally, correct, I had a friend, going through a nasty divorce who's wife told police that he threatened her and he had guns...he did not threaten her, and instead we transferred all his guns into my name and possession...then at a court hearing, she admitted that he didn't threaten her, she got a slap on the wrist and we then transferred the guns back to closed, but ugly!

  4. And they think that will make the women safe? Take his guns without real cause or due process and find out.

  5. As Roman Moroni would say, "Fargin bastidges." Which part of "shall not be abridged" was unclear?

  6. Steve the Engineer.June 26, 2024 at 2:44 AM

    This one baffles me on the due process part. This is going to be abused by A LOT of psycho chicks (and maybe some psycho guys). I guess none of the justices ever had a psycho chick for a girlfriend. I do sort of understand the sentiment though. But yeah, it’s another step down the slippery slope.

  7. If a person is convicted of felony do they lose their 1A, 4A, or 5A rights? As much as Hunter Biden deserves jail, his gun rights were also violated.

  8. "Shall not be infringed" doesn't appear to have been noticed by the Supreme Court.

  9. It does no good to take peoples weapons. If someone wants to shoot, they will find a way. Check out this link about my wife's baby sister. Goss had given all his guns to a nephew, because he was having thoughts of killing his wife. He even went and talked to a preacher about his thoughts. He went and bought a brand new weapon a week before the shooting.

    1. I can't read the article because of the paywall, but the photo alone was worth the click.

    2. If you are still interested in reading about my Sister in law try this site.

  10. Local talk show out ine hte PNW had an example of the guy being the violent one and the gal has a legal pistol, but he makes a claim against her, she loses her weapon she would use for defence and her crazy boyfriend wins. (Reverse the rolls, I don't care. The 'process' stink.)


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