
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Biden DOJ Strike Plea Deal With Julian Assange, Wikileaks Founder Released from London Prison Heading Back to Australia

With an announcement of his departure from prison, many people are excited about the possibility of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange revealing information about the Obama/Biden surveillance state.  I would urge everyone to temper those sentiments.

The Biden DOJ is a malicious leftist political targeting machine, with only one intention carried out with the Lawfare that underpins their mission.  Main Justice, and especially the DOJ National Security Division within the DOJ, is the center of all corrupt justice operations.


  1. Wonder how long he will survive out of prison.

    1. Paul, Depends on how far down he is on Hillary's contract hit list.

    2. That was my first thought when I heard he was released. Australia is a FiveEyes member. If he doesn't have private security, he's probably got less than a year to live. And he's gotta be near the top of that Killary list.

  2. It was never clear to me if, as they contended, he compromised human sources, or if they were just pissed because he aired some of their dirty laundry. Probably the latter.

  3. He aired their dirty laundry. he didn't steal any classified documents.

    Mason Proffit
    It didn't take them long to try him in their court of law
    He was guilty then of thinking a crime much worse than all
    They sentenced him to die so his seed of thought can't spread
    And infect the little children; that's what the law had said

  4. Trump should have "pardoned" him and Snowden as well as keep his hands off bump stocks, the national debt, and release the JFK killing files. He was too afraid of the Deep State, imho.

    1. So much this. Trump talked him up for so long and then when he could have done something meaningful he was all "I can't do that." I guess he was too busy with the vaccine rollout.


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