
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Biden’s War on Medicare

President Joe Biden’s full-frontal assault on Medicare is becoming visible to America’s seniors. It will result in fewer patient choices, reduced benefits, and ultimately worse health outcomes. Biden’s efforts, assisted by Congressional Democrats, are destroying Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.


  1. The effort to wreck American health care is well on its way, because there is no health care. The majority of diseases are lifestyle driven, mainly by poor diet. Don't believe me, do your own research. But a summary for you is:
    *Protein and fat, no carbs or sugar.
    *Intermittent fasting very beneficial but not mandatory if you can keep to the above.
    *When you cheat, avoid seed oils.
    Note we have histamine reactions to certain foods. Meat very low in histamine content. Fruit and Veg vary, and your sensitivity is based on genetics and the luck of the draw. Left overs tend to have high histamine due to bacterial growth, fresh food is best.
    To summarize further-go Keto. Eliminate things you like for 2 weeks, then eat a bunch. You will figure out those things that make you feel bad or off and should be eliminated from your diet.
    AND EXERCISE. Resistance training/weights as much as possible. You lose weight at the table based on food you eat, you gain physical ability based on your exercise routine.

    1. And do not snack between meals

    2. Or, don't eat meals: constantly snack. But, otherwise, the OP makes some pretty good points.

  2. The pedo Turd king from delaware has had it in for the little people for years. He is the main reason we pay taxes on the social security you paid for.

  3. Medicare and Social Security are all doomed. You can't fight wars everywhere, take care of the poor, and provide for seniors with the current system. Be happy you're not put onto trains if you believe the govt will help you. I'm in my 40s and know it will be over before I get there. I hope anybody who is on it or near makes it before the system collapses.

    1. Medicare and Social Security are not entitlements, we/you pay for them. They have been bastardized by the commie dems since inception. Resulting in their being used to supplement welfare programs. Remember that before you give up the fight.

  4. How government can single out and oppose those that work, pay taxes, defend the country, abide by the law and overall are the back bone of the of the United States is beyond me.

    1. Because they hate us and want us dead.

  5. America's health system sucks and is so broken you can't even flush it without it getting stuck in the pipes and over flowing the toilet.

  6. Anyone really read post that are more than 3 lines?

  7. They never threaten welfare. Funny, that.

  8. It's complicated. Medicare Advantage plans sound great, but if you look carefully they are very constrained. Drug plans -part D- are required, but again very restrictive; Costco member price is usually way cheaper. The root cause of the problem is that in the late 40's government allowed health care to be a 'benefit' of a job, which led to insurance pools and benefits management companies as employers were forced to offer the 'benefit'. Eventually, we get a highly concentrated, inefficient, expensive, mediocre medical care establishment because the consumer feedback loop has been broken. The US system beats pretty much everybody else (where do THEIR elites, or even average citizens (Canada, looking at you) come for medical care?), but it is massively distorted by the third party pay paradigm.

  9. The left wants our Medicare money so us old folks die and they can waste that money on their illegal invader accomplices. And they really aren't even trying to hide what they are planning and doing.


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