
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Report: Covenant School Shooter Told Therapist She Fantasized About Killing Her Family

Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale reportedly told her therapist that she was fantasizing about killing her family and committing a school shooting, according to a report by 99.7 WTN radio host Brian Wilson. The therapist reportedly did not report these findings to authorities.


  1. Threatening to kill people while telling his therapist that he will vote for democrats?
    No way. Let him do it. Anything to further the left's war on responsible gun owners.

  2. Looks like the victim's families just got a nice fat target to sue for malpractice.

  3. Oh! So now it's the therapist's fault.
    And little miss sunshine with the manifesto and the gun was pure as the driven snow.

    What a bunch of assclowns.

    1. The rapist is a required reporter. Patient talking of committing a crime and patient confidentially becomes secondary. Goes right out the window.

      To answer your confusion, the trigger puller is still the guilty party.

  4. Laws govern that. You admit to a crime or talk about committing murder? Someone gets a call,,.. He should be charged with a crime.

  5. The therapist was a first contact link for darker forces. The financing for 'his' arsenal needs exposure. The life of the therapist is in danger from those same dark forces..

  6. How did she (the murderer) legally purchase firearms anyway? Being a tranny generally means hormones and should qualify as addicted to controlled substance. And I would argue for that being automatically mentally defective too.

  7. Small changes that we make in our lives may have large effects after a number of years. Not exactly an original thought, but something to think about.

  8. If I was the therapist I would be thinking, oh shit, he told me so he is going to kill me too can't leave a witness or maybe I watch too many crime shows

    1. She, it was a female pretending to be male


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