
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the mu-sic!

Multiple people were shot and several officers were assaulted during a Juneteenth celebration in Oakland, according to the police department. 

The shooting happened near Bellevue and Grand avenues Wednesday night after a sideshow began, officials said.


  1. Interesting (to me anyway) how nowadays I read these headlines, think "oh well, more Amish doing Amish things," and don't bother to read the whole article. But these headlines DO serve to make me ever more wary when around large groups of said Amish (ahem!).

    1. The Amish are fundamentally incompatible with civilized society. That's why there isn't a single example anywhere in the entire continent of... Amishland.


  2. Hey cut the Boons some slack, Juneteenth is the Jungle Bunny equivalent of New Years, July 4th and Voodoo Christmas all rolled into one. So all across the nation there's a strange vibration.

    1. And I thought it was only the kick off for the Summer Shooting Season!

  3. Irving J ItchuballsJune 20, 2024 at 8:19 AM

    Gee, just stunning...same crap in Texas.....

    Only surprising thing is that it didn't happen on MLK Blvd or Malcolm X Street....One can wager the suspects aren't white supremacists....yo.

  4. July 4th and April 9th aren't good enough for 13% of the population? They think they also deserve a special day to go along with a special MONTH dedicated to Black History?

    Demonrats in CONgress started pushing this Juneteenth booolsheet because they knew they were loosing the black vote. Who in this country or anywhere in the world for that matter had ever heard of the supposed June 19th "liberation" which supposedly took place in Galveston.

    Demonrat CONgress critters and Bribem claim to be trying to "heal the racial divide", when all they're doing is driving a bigger wedge in, every chance they get, just like the Black Messiah did when he was in office.


  5. I laugh when I think of the irony that juneteeth is next to fathers day.

  6. Weren’t the Rosenbergs taken care of on 19 June?

    1. Why yes, yes they were. And that's the only reason to celebrate on June 19th. I love pointing that out that little historical highlight to people. It tends to cause butthurt amongst some hypersensitive leftists, which is fully the intent of my doing so.

  7. Ace says it very well: "This whole Juneteenth insult in which some sort of black uprising in Galveston Texas back in 1865 is celebrated as the end of slavery in America, when in point of fact it cost the lives of well over half a million mostly white Americans in a bloody cvil war to end slavery, which was the purview of the Democrat Party along with the Jim Crow laws that prevented their true emancipation and elevation to equality that that party resisted for well over 100 years until the Democrats hijacked the Civil Rights movement and turned it into a massive multi-generational and multi-trillion dollar grift that destroyed the black family and real integration all so that the Left could expand the power and scope of a massive centralized bureaucracy, all while using the disaster as a means to tear our REPUBLIC to shreds so they could attain and maintain power."

  8. All holidays are extra special days to practice genocide with that race. Get a group of them together and somebody is going to be shot or stabbed. Black History month? Translation, yo azz gonna be history. Hell of a note, they obviously can't stand one another but demand I like them. Weird mon.

  9. Well when you make up so e bullshit holiday to pander to the lowest idiots of society shit like this happens..


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