
Friday, June 07, 2024

Corrupt, Nasty, Little Communists

Liberal dreams are starting to come unraveled. Despite what we all know, the public sentiment is much harder to wrangle when it comes to some easily understandable truths. One being that Democrats are no longer the fluffy JFK types and the Republicans are no longer the independent Ike types. if they ever were, but in the public’s perception, that’s who they were. Republicans leaned toward business and Democrats leaned toward labor. Today, it’s really the other way around and has been for some time, the exception that proves the rule are the labor unions, that are in a lot of ways communistic themselves. I know, I know, a lot of people have to belong to unions to get any sort of job in their locale. If I wanted to write screenplays for a big studio, I’d have to join the Writers Guild of America and start paying dues. But it’s still a communistic sort of arrangement. Fortunately for me, I’ve always been able to work in the “at will” community where they could fire me at any point for any reason. I find that much more to my liking, because it gives me the right to quit at any time for any reason.


  1. JFK was a fluffy Democrat? Behind the veil he was a philandering, scheming hack. A trait all Kennedy's learned from the patriarch, Bootlegger Joe Kennedy.

    1. St. John Kennedy seems to come up time after time. I try to tell it like it was. He'd screw a snake if the Secret Service held it still for him all the while complaining of a bad back.

  2. Everyone wants to blame FJB and the Democrat Party, but it's the corrupt people that put them there. And most the Republicans are little different. Put the blame where it belongs. Fuck all Democrat voters. The enemy lives right down the street from you, not in some foreign land. Stop being pleasant to them.

  3. I spent 30 years as a Teamster Truck driver. Every freaking terminal manager I had vowed that he was going to fire me sooner of later. I outlasted them all. They tried, they all failed. I was not at the mercy of someone who didn't get laid the night before. I did the job to the best of my ability. But I did the job on my terms. I worked and did my runs but when I had to be somewhere for my family, my family came first. That was always the friction with my terminal managers, I had hours to work but decided to go home. I could go on and on about fellow drivers that constantly bitched that their wives were cheating or their kids were on drugs because they put the paycheck before the family and were never home. I could tell you horror stories of truckers sitting at NYC area piers for days without getting paid. I always got paid.

  4. This is one of his best essays yet.

  5. I enjoyed life as an at-will employee. One job - $100K+ - I just had to quit (boss was more than I needed or cared to deal with). When I told that same boss "I'm not coming back", I was informed that the "at-will" part only applied to the company, not myself. I knew the contract; told him I'd sue him and the company if they tried to pull off something like that. Had a far better job the next day - with another of this guy's ex-employees. Fuck unions

    1. When I was a kid in the 60s I asked my father why he had to pay union dues for his workers at his trucking company every month when the teamsters (mafia) rep came around to collect. He looked at me with his “you must not be a product of my loins” expression and said if he didn’t then the tires of all his trucks loaded with deliveries for the next day would be punctured. He would also receive an occasional phone call telling him to tell his driver not to resist tomorrow evening when stopped at a traffic light and someone told him to get out of the truck and walk away. No need to threaten anyone with a gun. Just the cost of doing business.


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