
Friday, June 07, 2024

Dozens of Energy Orgs Ask Congress to Kill Bill They Say Would ‘Inevitably’ Lead to Carbon Taxes

Dozens of energy policy and advocacy groups signed a Monday letter to Congress to express their opposition to a bill they say could be the first step toward carbon taxes or tariffs.

The letter urges House lawmakers to vote against the PROVE IT Act, a bill that has not yet been introduced in the lower chamber but is expected to be soon. The PROVE IT Act — which has already been introduced in the Senate — would have the Department of Energy (DOE) study the carbon intensity of goods, including aluminum, steel, plastic and crude oil, produced in the U.S. and the carbon intensity of products from other countries, according to E&E News.


  1. I am getting really sick of these assholes trying to tax us to death on everything.
    I said this before, they want to RULE over us. not govern. rule. like the kings of old
    with the power of life and death over is. what the point of having a nice car if everyone else can get one? or a beach front home. same thing.
    we are not voting our way out of this.

  2. Well it looks like our congresscritters might be getting a little something in their paychecks from rich elitist predator climitards.

  3. Our rulers are addicted to taxes so this letter is probably a deal clincher.

    PROVE IT Act sponsor is UT Rep Curtis, another Trump hater, he replaced Jason Chaffetz. Both the UT GOP and Trump endorse one of his primary opponents, Trent Staggs.

  4. The congress "supposed conservative" critters are impotent suckers of Democrat assholes. The Democrats will shove this down American's throats and it'll happen so go back to watching sports on TV, driving your Dodge RAM, Silverodo or F-150, and strutting your stuff while I keep praying for the big mother fucking asteroid.

  5. If anyone here honestly needs any more warning about Carbon Taxes and the absolute LIE behind it, look at the FACTS.
    Carbon Dioxide is CRITICAL to the growth of plant life. Case in point: when you purchase a large greenhouse kit, you normally also purchase a CO2 generator for inside the greenhouse to promote plant growth. If CO2 was such a gremlin as the "scientists" say they it is, then these generators would be illegal.
    The Carbon taxes are simply meant as another means of destroying the economy.
    Look at the disaster in Canada with that bitch Justin Trudeau.


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