
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Democrat Cities Deploying Armed Illegal Alien Enforcers

“Seattle is joining the growing list of left wing cities that have decided to turn to illegal aliens to fill the ever-increasing void in the ranks of their police department, following cities such as Los Angeles,” Law Enforcement Today reports. “This is due to severe understaffing that has gutted many large city departments in primarily blue cities.” 

AmmoLand Shooting Sports News noted that trend to deploy noncitizens last year, citing an Epoch Times report explaining:


  1. Replies
    1. Later those illegal aliens will be the ones going after our 2nd amendment rights. One step at a time.

    2. Anything to screw America, that's why.

    3. You're not supposed to get it,
      You're just supposed to comply
      (According to those ass-clowns, anyway)

    4. Jo-Anne, do you remember Obama's, aka, Zero, The Empty Suit Snake Oil Salesman, campaign plank of "a civil (paramilitary) force as strong as the military?" Well, if said civil force was composed of non citizens with an allegiance not to The Constitution but to the powers that give them "stuff" and could grant citizenship, don't you believe that those individuals would fire on citizens when so ordered whereas, hopefully, the U.S. military members would refuse such an unlawful order? regards, Alemaster

  2. They will be the same enforcers at the voting counting centers.

  3. The nativity of white, college educated, liberals knows no bounds. The trouble is they'll not personally reap the violent consequences.

  4. Think the cops can't be trusted now? Every illegal is illegal. Deport every single one of those MFs. Even the kids. Oh, boo-hoo. Deport to hell when possible.

  5. Just great. I used to could bribe them with a Colt 45 and two zig-zags. Now I have to go to a Modelo and two tamales? Who can afford that? Well, maybe they'll at least be ruthless with the urbans, who knows?

  6. EVERY cop in Tennessee better speak fluid english - Illegals with a badge, WTF next

  7. Is this happening in those same cities that voted to defund the police?

  8. Where are the roof top Koreans when you need 'em?

    1. Slowly being replaced by the roof top Karens.......

  9. “This is due to severe understaffing that has gutted many large city departments in primarily blue cities.” Really. . . . Could it be that the ass clowns, who call themselves Democrats, be the people that caused this because they defunded police budgets??

  10. I am wondering how they are going to get around the Federal Laws that prohibit illegal immigrants from possiccing firearms?

    1. A federal judge has already ruled on that one recently. He says it's OK for non-citizens to purchase and keep firearms.

      Now one might think that the two articles cited here are unrelated. However, entering the country illegally is STILL a crime. A non-violent crime. See what they did there?


  11. There will be blood.
    The chances I let an illegal alien criminal arrest, detain or even question me in my country is ZERO.

  12. Because of this that long standing Mexican custom called "La Mordida" will be coming to a city near you...sooner than you think.

  13. What could POSSIBLY go wrong??????

  14. When reality imitates fiction - an excerpt from an online novel from the '90s:
    The burly, unwashed security guard at the metal detectors refused to pop the
    gates so I could walk around them. He stood there, staring at me with a look
    only a Relocated Palestinian could stare. The influx of RePal's after the
    Arab/Israeli war had brought a whole new ethnic group of minimum wage earners to
    the US of A. I only hoped that, someday, they'd settle down and do the melting
    pot thing to the degree that they'd rise out of it like the people who fled to
    the US at the start of WW II had. It was a faint hope; there'd been yet another
    article in that morning's news about RePal street gangs in New York City
    rumbling with Young Zionists. The casualty figures were as lopsided as one
    would expect.

    After politely asking three times for him to pop the gate so I could go around,
    I walked through the metal detector and tripped every red light it had, he rose
    up out of his chair balefully, presented his ceremonial plastic bowl of office,
    and in a thick accent said, "All your metal items into the bowl!" The "infidel
    pig!" at the end of the sentence was unspoken, but emphatic none the less.

    I smiled, and said, "Addendum Four."
    Stay safe

  15. Wasn't the induction of foreign men into the Roman Army one of the factors that led to its downfall?

    1. Was thinking the same thing when I read the headline.

    2. It was merely a symptom. Instead ask “why did Romans no longer want to serve in their army?”


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