
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Do men with big guns have small penises? Science finally reveals what they’re really packin’

There’s a good reason to ask whether or not it’s a gun in their pocket.

The long-held myth that men who own guns are … err, overcompensating for something … has been debunked by scientists in a new study published in the American Journal of Men’s Health.

Rather, researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio found that men quite satisfied with certain physical assets are most likely to have guns.


  1. Men in rural residences also tended to own more guns,
    Men who choose to live in the boonies are individuals, not herd members. We don't think like the average suburbanite.

  2. Yea it's bullshit, but it fits Miss Davidina Hogg's narrative.

  3. Ok Kenny ... Tell us why you moved to Small Town Tennessee? Guns, Fresh Air, Taxes, Freedom Guns, People, Sanity, Guns?

  4. Have they ever checked to see if the anti-gun crowd have teeny-tiny brains?


  5. Statistics 101:
    Correlation is not causation.

  6. Without this study whodda ever thunk that the basis for Democrats' fear of firearms was penis envy?

    1. Everybody with a truck larger than a Chevy Luv.

  7. The folks that assume penis size of others are actually sexual deviants that no longer can define a woman. Exactly why would someone believe anything these idiots say?

  8. It’s pure leftist projection.
    They’re afraid of motorcycles.
    They’re afraid of pickup trucks.
    They’re afraid of guns.

    Because men who own these things tend to punch you in the mouth when you cross the line.
    So the leftist weenies assuage their total lack of manly virtue by pretending to be superior because they took psychology 101.

  9. I'm not fist fighting anymore. Your move.

  10. I guess that answers why James Bond carries a Walther PPK.

  11. John Holmes carried a snub nose 38.

  12. Univ of Saigon 68June 5, 2024 at 3:36 PM

    I just have a Derringer.

  13. People with small penises seem to think like that. Is anyone amazed these uncivil and immoral bipeds project their false world onto others they refuse to understand?

  14. U of Saigon beat me to it… but I’ll say it anyway.
    My wife tells me my derringer in .22 short is perfectly adequate, and according to her, has more than enough knock down power and is in fact a two shot..!
    Personally, I always thought those guys that carry a .357 SIG were compensating for something. A regular ol’ .38 works just fine.


  15. By that theory, David Hogg would drive a huge pickup and carry a Desert Eagle

  16. How much Federal funding went into this ridiculous faux study? Probably a PhD dissertation for a worthless Sociology degree.

    What's the correlation between strawberry ice cream and a garden shovel? Oh shit, there goes another idea for a useless study grant.

    1. I'm going to hazard a guess that you have a little dick and no guns.

  17. This is my rifle.
    This is my gun.
    This one's for fighting.
    This one's for fun.



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