
Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday's gifs













  1. have not looked at all of them but #1 wins!

  2. #5 Flat front mask, Pipeline Welder, different breed!

    1. I've known a couple pipeline welders and both of their backs were blown out by the time they were in their 40s because of the odd positions they had to work in.

    2. I run a lot of black iron in my day. Been twisted up like that many times. They'd hand me the wand to let me tack but no way let me weld. I was the pipe fitter.

    3. That's a conversation I'm having with my grandson these days, he's graduating next school year and is talking about becoming a welder. I'm trying to open his eyes to what else the construction fields offer, I know too many welders with wrecked backs, messed up lungs and bad eyes due to the work they do/did...

    4. Back in the day I thought to become a pipe welder. Then I saw the extraordinary stuff they do. Like weld in confined spaces on 100° days. Or dangle on a cliff welding sections of pipe.
      Plus, getting burned even while wearing leathers. At least I was. Or breathing hot fumes.

      A nephew is about to enter an HVAC program at the local college. He already got three job offers. Starting pay is $25 - $28/hr. At least one would give him a company truck to take home.

    5. Rick
      HVAC is one of the fields I'm trying to get him to look into along with electrician, plumbing or something in the electronics industry.... We'll be going to the local state trade school this summer for him to look around and ask questions..
      There's a LNG plant just getting started in construction nearby and they are paying serious money for experienced workers... He's looking hard at this as a place to get started after graduating... as always thanks for your input

    6. HVAC is a good trade, in my state you can get your own state ticket and open your own biz after working for someone for two years, then instead of getting $24/hr while the company is charging $124/hr, you get to keep it all, one man with a van and very little overhead.

      my nephew did hvac for a while, and then became a cetified welder and did that for a while, but neither one paid very well, he attended the CDL class at the community college and got a offer from a company that does heavy haul and oversize and secure loads for the military, and it paid good.

      whatever you do you gotta figure out a way to not be competing with the endless flood of immigrants , or youre never gonna make good money.

  3. number one is the best. good old Joe cool getting caught by the cops!
    and I guess tires are cheap for that bike ? why else would you burn one up ?

    1. For haha us a like that, a cheap tyre is $200, and lasts about 6000 miles. You smoke em when it's time to change em.

  4. and a beer in his teeth!

  5. #4 got to be able to take a punch
    #7 and a trooper able to take a joke

    1. Being able to block or dodge that punch comes in handy as well

    2. One hand shields while other strikes, back and forth, back and forth.

      Footwork counts, too, and doofus has no idea of footwork. Or centering one's mass, or swinging the hips and then throwing the arms.

      Boxing, well, any martial arts, is supposed to be a dance. Power flows, bodies and body parts move in synch to the tune of the fight.

    3. Her style was street brawling. Learn by seeing. No formal training.

  6. #6 DUDE! Get up and leave.

  7. Number 3, that’s one happy dog.

    1. Or, very hot pavement on a summer day.

  8. #4 So long ago now that it seems like another life, I was into the martial arts. I often had to travel for my job and, while away from home, I would look up local karate, tae kwondo or other martial arts clubs and go and train with them. One place that was oriented more towards kick boxing had what they called a speedball which was a punchball mounted on a kind of bungee cord between the floor and the ceiling. You could hit it once but, as soon as it was moving, it was incredibly difficult to hit it again, and yes, it was dead easy to get smacked in the face when it came back at you.


  9. I’ve known many pipeline welders and have worked in the pipeline industry for 46 years and you are correct. If a welder can’t make the cut, they’ll find one who can. Well paid but at times it doesn’t seem worth it.

  10. #3 and 6...Goldendoodle and Run Forrest run.

  11. 1 Always check your six before flipping the stoopid switch.

  12. 8) The biden team is ready to go.

  13. #2 It's those meditative walks for clumsy people.


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