
Thursday, June 27, 2024

I'll give him an A for originality

The Ohio attorney who was disciplined for pooping in a Pringles can and tossing it into a parking lot got his law license reinstated on Tuesday.


  1. Now I understand what a shitty lawyer is

  2. Guilty of replacing the contents of the can with another product... I guess that violates the USDA regs for packaging and content ID.

  3. Should have had it served on opposing counsel.

    Question for you legal scholars: Does this take the place of filing a motion with the court?

  4. I was a fund raiser at the University of Akron many years ago. Never came across this crappy lawyer...

  5. "Blakeslee claimed he didn't target anyone and said he pulled the Pringles prank at least 10 times that year". Weird fetish, but surprsingly good aim. Those pringles tubes are pretty narrow!

  6. I wonder if he's the one that throws all those plastic bottles filled with piss along the highways.

  7. I'm amazed at his ability to judge the volume correctly and not have a spillover.


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