
Friday, June 21, 2024

Left-Wing NYT Columnist Bemoans What ‘We Liberals’ Have Done To West Coast

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof argued Saturday that the West Coast’s version of liberalism just isn’t working, urging liberals to “face the painful fact that something has gone badly wrong where we’re in charge, from San Diego to Seattle.”


  1. Thank you Captain Obvious

  2. The weather is too nice in San Diego to pay much attention to trivialities such as politics. There's surfing to be done.

    1. Word. A typical beach-front mentality: Shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, vaping, Netflix/sports-addicted, Swifty, Godless Mall Zombies. What could possibly go wrong?

  3. It's getting so obvious, like Biden's Dementia, that the MSM has to acknowledge the fact California, Seattle & Portland are in the shit. I don't think the Les-boon KJP can call murders, rapes and assaults Cheap Fakes.

  4. Read between the lines. He's really saying they need unlimited power to confiscate and redistribute so they can do what their values say they should do. When he says they've failed what he means is that they've failed to impose tyranny.

  5. No shit, Sherlock?
    And in other news, The Pope may be Roman Catholic.
    Investigation into the defecactory habits of ursus ursus in the arboreal environment has been delayed by the failure of any investigator to return.

    1. Not the current pope. The current pope is anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, left wing extremist. It was funny watching my very Catholic father in law rant about how absolutely evil the current pope is. He is completely destroying the church, diving into "wokeness" and embracing depravity.

  6. Oregon’s decision to funnel education dollars into putting free tampons in the boys bathrooms beginning in kindergarten
    This speaks volumes on how little liberals actually care about constituents. Beg money, waste money, rinse and repeat

  7. This asshole is a progressive nutjob. Always has been.

    He's trying to position himself for another run in politics.

  8. I misread the headline as Left Wing NYT Communist. After consideration, I read it correctly.

  9. "They made their bed, let em sleep" Opie Taylor

  10. WestcoastDeplorableJune 22, 2024 at 12:41 PM

    I live about 80 miles N of the border in SoCal and even this far from the border we're seeing the result of Biden's border fuck-up. Lots more reports of petty thefts, stolen cars involved in hit and runs, loitering in neighborhoods were there was none previously. And it's only going to get worse.


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