
Monday, June 03, 2024

Like they were going to show up for court anyway

Over 350,000 migrants who entered the U.S. illegally have had their immigration court cases dismissed, allowing them to go free without a verdict on the merits of their entry, a bombshell new report indicates. 

A top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) adviser, Kerry Doyle, circulated a memo in 2022 instructing prosecutors to dismiss cases for migrants who are not found to be national security threats, the New York Post first reported. 


  1. It's just another step on the destruction of the country.

  2. The Dems want them to vote. The other day Schumer was saying he wants a pathway to citizenship for every illegal.

  3. Funny, this info is coming from a liberal limey rag. What's their motive? They aren't telling us anything we don't already know. Anything to poke the bear.

    1. They do report the news that our media won't. So we read them.

      And, to be fair, the Brit's media lies to them so they read our stuff for what's truly happening there.

  4. If they invaded, they have a criminal record.

  5. Such people really don't give a shit one way or the other


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