
Friday, June 28, 2024

Newsom says he would "never turn my back" on Biden after debate performance draws scrutiny

WASHINGTON — California Governor Gavin Newsom was in the spin room in Atlanta for the presidential debate on Thursday in support of President Joe Biden.

Mr. Biden's debate performance has set off alarm bells among top Democrats, leaving some to openly question whether Biden can stay atop the Democratic ticket.


  1. As an interested outsider I was pleased that that report was so unbiased. ( said nobody at all )

  2. You have to wonder what their end game is with Biden. I find it hard to believe that anybody in his circle actually believed that he could do well in a debate.

  3. Here are my comments.

  4. From this morning's Clusterfuck Nation email by James Howard Kunstler on likely replacements for Biden -

    The usual suspects are like the cast of a freak show, each one displaying one grotesque deformity after another. Gavin Newsom we understand: the party’s base of batshit-crazy women may all want to bear his child, but that limbic instinct to mate with a six-foot-three haircut-in-search-of-a-brain might not work with any other voter demographic — and Newsom has the failed state of California hanging around his neck.

    1. Haircut looking for a brain...this stupid fuck looks more like Eddie from the Munsters, only Eddie had more to offer. The only qualification to be a Democratic is a flatline readout on an EEG.

    2. Remember, he's got aunt Nancy.

  5. Yeah, cuz he'd try to sneak up and sniff you

  6. That "spin room" must be full of used barf bags after last night's "performance".

  7. Newsom might be in the mix, but the debate turned out exactly like Barry & Mike planned

    Some time ago Joe was given 2 options:

    1- Lose the debate and set up Michelle Obama for the nomination at the convention.

    2- Hey Joe, run, lose and we (The Democrat elite) will work with the Republicans to see you, your wife, your brother and son go to prison for 50 years due to your collusion with the Ukrainians & Chinese to launder hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars.

    Looks like Brandon opted for #1 Now they have a clear path to introduce Mike O at the convention with Joe’s blessing

    1. It wont be Michelle. She has never held a job where she had to show up and it too old to learn new tricks. She has never shown any interest in actually working for a living.

    2. Anon 12:37 - What has that have to do with it being on the ticket? Hell, FJB made it didn't he?

  8. Betcha CNN gonna be pushin' fer Mrs? Half-Blood Prince

  9. Good advice Gavin; Old Joe might have one stab left in him.

  10. There is no way Big Mike could handle all the tranny shit that would come out if he ran. Also the truth about their kids. Plus god knows how many bulging dick pix are out there!

  11. They are stuck with Biden, too many states have laws on the book (although when did that ever stop a Dem?) regarding changing ballots, the DNC would have to change their rules (again, not a big deal for them) and there would likely be lawsuits on behalf of those that voted for him being disenfranchised.
    No matter what, the GOP did not adequately challenge the voting in 2020 and let the courts shut them down like the bunch of rank amatuers they are OR they were just being RINOs or Uniparty members.
    Not sure what they will try to pull of over the next few months, but it will be more "interesting times" that we live through. At some point the shit has to hit the fan, even if it is not anyone in this country that throws it.


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