
Friday, June 28, 2024

Next thing you know, he'll be living in a cardboard box and panhandling on the streets

A family is distressed after their dog was hospitalized for ingesting methamphetamine while walking at a local Anaheim park.

On Thursday night, Amy Robbins took her dog, Abbey, a 12-year-old Chihuahua mix, for a short walk from their home to Stoddard Park located at 1901 9th Street. 


  1. Christ, a Chihuahua on meth? Scary shit. Chihuahua's are rats on acid to begin with!

  2. And the cops are going to do what, exactly? No evidence, no obvious perpetrator, and no interest from the DA's office in charging some random person they could NEVER prove was the source of the meth that poisoned the dog.

  3. A Chihuahua on meth. Y'know, for some reason the trailers for the B movie "Piranha" started flashing through my head. Tasmanian Devil styled whirlwind of teeth and snarls. Only thing worse is if there were several of them.

  4. And let me add my "12YO Chihuahua on meth!?" to the list. I can't believe the little bastard didn't fucking explode. Cocaine Bear x 100...

  5. Makes me think of cocaine bear but worse..

  6. And somewhere there's a tweaker thinking "Now where did I put that meth ?"

  7. I am no expert by any means, but I find it amazing that some meth head left any of their drugs anywhere except either in their bodies or ready to go into their bodies.
    If I get a painkiller of any kind, I keep them close at hand, since I had a new prescription of Norco stolen when I mistakenly left it on a table in a restaurant when I left. I went back to get it within 20 minutes, but of course it was gone.
    Back then doctors were better able to work with patients and mine refilled it, and said that I probably would not have gotten it back if I had gone back in within 5 minutes. Now I would be SOL.

  8. The question on everyone's mind: How many cars did the little shit catch?
    - WDS


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