
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Permission to win: Ukraine needs more from Biden than weapons to defeat Russia

Soon after President Joe Biden announced a new $225 million package of desperately-needed weapons and ammunition for Ukraine during an in-person meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Paris Friday, he told Biden that to thwart the Russian invasion, Ukraine must be allowed to use the weapons to strike at its source: Inside Russia itself.


  1. Not our fight. This is the banksters fueling misery and death of God-fearing (mainly) white Christians on both side, while funding invasions of “not white” people into Western Europe and North America. Look up “Rivers of Blood” speech on Wiki. Or read Camp of the Saints.

  2. Biden's brain dead. Limitless money for Ukraine is the Globalist plan. They'll hunker in their well-stocked, guarded 500 feet underground bunkers while millions of peasants get vaporized, atomized and irradiated. Then when the smoke clears there'll be millions upon millions less Oxygen robbing and food depleting parasites to deal with, but just enough to keep making nice luxuries, medical supplies and stocking necessities to make the “elite’s lives comfortable.

    1. They think. They have no idea what happens after an all out nuclear exchange using hydogen bombs. There will be nuclear winter where nothing will grow. They will eventually run low on supplies and will then be murdered by their security people. The effects of radiation will last a long long time. Read On the beach. The living will envy the dead!

  3. Draft politicians kids first.

    1. Draft the politicians, their wives then their kids.....

  4. Ukraine could never defeat Russia. The strategy has been to make the campaign so costly for Russia that they give up. So far that strategy has been half successful. This has cost Russia dearly. Question is will they get tired of the cost and quit because even with all the western tech Ukraine can't defeat Russia

  5. FJB and Ukraine. Saving "Democracy", my ass. Nothing but a laundering front for FJB, Pelosi, Kerry, and Rotney. And the world is paying for their coverups. F* 'em all.

  6. Not our fight. But it's our (burrowed) money.

  7. Why are Democrat Presidents incapable of understanding there is no such thing as a limited war? You either go all out, or you lose. Truman didn't get it. Johnson didn't get it. Neither did Clinton or Obama. And now Biden is FINALLY getting a clue, but likely too late. Its like none of these guys ever got in a fight at school even once! How do you go through life not figuring this shit out?


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