
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

The Cancellation of Liberty

Supply chain disruptions were one aspect of the post-COVID chaos the world was subjected to. Politicians were gobsmacked to learn that shutting down the global economy caused markets to function erratically. They believed that markets operate at their pleasure. By the snap of a finger or wink of an eye they could shut down the global economy and by the same wink or snap markets would restart uninterrupted. One might call this the King Louis XVI syndrome, defined as the irrational belief by political elites that establishing unclever policies will result in predictable, poignant, popular outcomes. Their inevitable response to the unpopular outcome is the classic retort attributed to Marie Antionette, “let them eat cake.”


  1. Eliminate the "I-want-to-be-a-politician" gene. Along about jr high, find out who wants to join the student council. Take those that volunteer outside and shoot them. Repeat until the gene is eliminated from the population.

    1. Yes, that might be a good teaching moment. Too often the people that want to be the boss are the absolute wrong choice. It's better to draft those that don't.

    2. In high school print shop, a fellow student printed a book of tickets. Real official looking. We thought it funny. He was serious. Several students said he issued tickets to them for something they had done. One day he tried to detain me so he could question me. I started to walk away so he spun me around and said I was under arrest. He said I had violated multiple regulations and would have to wait while he filled out a ticket.

      A few years later I read that officer so and so had been dismissed from the local PD. It was the same guy. Apparently he was too gung ho, too many complaints about him.

    3. He might have a form of autism. My son can be that way. Since it’s hard for some to socialize they do it by trying to control. Just a thought.

  2. My liberty rests not in the hands of any other.

    Unfortunately too many rubes do not practice the pursuit of liberty.


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