
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Tips For Calling a Coyote Across an Open Field and Creek Bottom

Useful Tips For Calling a Coyote Across an Open Field & Creek Bottom! Sometimes calling coyotes from wooded areas can be very difficult and you must have patience. Watch this video to get tips for calling a coyote across a creek bottom that is surrounded by a bean field.
VIDEO HERE  (6 minutes)


I have never had a coyote come straight at me like that. Every one I've ever called in will come at me, hit a water cut or low spot and move laterally a hundred yards or so, then pop up again.


  1. Down by the border we hold up $100 and they come right to you

    1. That technique also works on cougars.

    2. If you're hot enough the cougars will hold up the hundred. ;-)

  2. Calling Coyotes? Heck, back in my youth I'd just yell across the bar: "Hey grandma you look great for 35! The 7&7s are on me.

    1. Scrap coyote, substitue cougar. I gotta cut down on my afternoon vino sessions

  3. Ken, Do recorded calls work?

    From the vid: "Don't call too much" There's 3-4minutes of steady calling on that six minute vid.


    1. Oh yeah, electronic callers work great. FoxPro makes (or used to make) several models and they'll have jackrabbits, cottontails, fawns, and hurt pup calls on the same machine. You can change up the calls with the handset without ever going near the speaker.
      I prefer mouth calls, but that's just me.

      I think what Les meant was don't stay in the same place for a few hours calling and calling. If I can't bring in a coyote within 10 minutes, I pack up my shit and move a mile or so down the road.

    2. Thanks - I was wondering how well the callers and decoys worked on the coyotes . They’ve gotten in down here on the Delmarva peninsula and have thinned out the local deer herd a bit too much. Time for some control.

    3. Also get the distraction device like the Hellcat/Hellcat pro has.
      That wiggling piece of fur or feathers is worth it! Coyotes and mountain lions zero in on it.

    4. You know, I kept hearing great and wonderous things about the decoy devices so I went out and bought one. I never had a single coyote pay any attention at all to it. I'm guessing it's because the area that I did most of my hunting in was tall grassland with a good stiff breeze blowing all the time, so it just wasn't noticeable.

    5. My only experience has been in about 6500-7000ft Ponderosa pines. Friend zapped numerous coyotes and mountain lion.
      Terrain probably did play a large factor. I never thought about a flat grassland nullifying the effect!
      The things you learn on Kenny’s blog! 😁

  4. Call them at night time. They will make a dead run for the call, figure out its a scam and leap over the top of you on thier way out. True story.

  5. Best call I found are the ankle-biters on the deck for the evening piss-call.

    The local yippers came in once and I got a nice bright-red oxygenated spray and lost the track after a half-mile or so. Figure the wolves around got fed anyway, but that call doesn't work anymore.


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