
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ukraine plans to store F-16 jets abroad to shield from Russian strikes

Ukraine may keep some of the F-16 fighter jets it's set to receive from its Western allies at foreign bases to protect them from Russian strikes, a senior Ukrainian military officer said Monday.

Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway have committed to providing Ukraine with over 60 U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets to help it fend off Russian attacks. Ukrainian pilots are currently undergoing training to fly the warplanes ahead of the deliveries expected to start later this year.


  1. Ahhh hahahaha....

    Well, those bases are now targets.

    1. Exactly. Putler will Sarmat those bad boys and natso will claim article 5....

  2. A few planes is just an irritation to the Russians. They won't beat infantry with a few scrapped planes. Short of us sending nukes or infantry, nothing is going to push back the Russians.

    To the glory of infantry!

    1. You folks know the actual plan, right? Fight until all fighting age Ukraine men are dead and the country is in ruins.
      Then send in the usual suspects to clean everything up and make billions in the process.
      Pure evil.

  3. Just to make things interesting, store them in Gaza.

  4. Trying to create a fully capable F-16 Pilot by giving him an F-16 and a few weeks training makes about as much sense as giving a non player a Steinway and Sons concert grand piano and a few lessons and then expecting him to perform at Carnigie Hall. You can try it but it ain't gonna work out.

    1. You realize the training program started months ago right? And that they're not starting with non-pilots...

    2. They've been training out of Luke AFB against F35s for quite awhile. Right over the house several times a day. As if that's going to matter up against combat hardened Ruski pilots.

  5. Ireland is a non-NATO, neutral country so that's a F-16 storage option.

    1. And just like Switzerland, they will immediately cede their neutrality upon agreeing to such an arrangement. A country cannot remain neutral once it is taking a side (and providing aid, even in the form of storing weapons) will be rightfully seen as taking a side. This, in turn, will make them a legitimate target for Russian strikes, NATO member or not.

      It is almost laughable that the idiot leadership of the west think they can play these semantic games, and still claim not to be doing something they are in fact doing. It's such a passive aggressive, bitch move. And that's a large part of the reason I'll have a good chuckle when they finally get spanked for acting like little bitches, even though it will undoubtedly have a deleterious effect on my standard of living as an American.

  6. The Kriegsmarine starting sinking American-flagged ships in WW2 after FDR was repeatedly warned that using those ships to send military hardware to England was a violation of recognized norms for an allegedly 'neutral' country. This is no different, and Russia will be justified in attacking those F-16's the first time they deliver ordnance against Russian ground forces or engage in aerial combat. NATO, and America, are flirting with an all-out war that's totally unnecessary and unwarranted.

  7. At what point does this become a World War?

  8. I was wondering how neutral a country you'd be if you're basing someone else's combat aircraft there....

  9. Russia has already announced that Anywhere planes come from to Attack Russia will get Hammered.
    F-16's are also capable of carrying Nukes, so they will be treated as a Strategic Threat regardless of what they may actually be carrying.

  10. I'm beginning to suspect that Joe hasn't fully thought this out.

  11. The F-16 is an expensive platform to operate, it is obsolete when it meets a gen 5 fighter, it has a limited range, it is a multirole aircraft so it does nothing very well, and due to their age many have structural fatigue. It sounds like a cash for clunkers in the fighter plane market.

  12. Does anyone really believe that this "marquis of Queensbury" shit will actually work. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to believe that parking your weapons (that you are actively using to attack with) in a different country will totally make them off limits. The Russians will hit them just the same, and it's totally justified. The US would too. You gotta be a nurse from southern California to think otherwise.

    1. That nurse from Southern California is the smartest man to ever walk this earth. Don’t believe me? Just ask him

  13. Russia aka the new USSR does a lot of talking and posturing. Just like the old one. Occasionally they will act. And often screw it up. Remember the Moscow theatre where special forces "rescued" a bunch of hostages....and killed dozens of them in the process. Unlikely they will ra target these planes directly with missiles etc. They may try and infiltrate and blow them up perhaps blaming "terrorists". Without nukes Russia is a hollow threat, unable to conquer even Ukraine let alone a more developed country. If they could have they would have by now.

    1. SoCal nurse, is that you?

    2. It's not. Aesop uses his real name when he comments.


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