
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

We knew this was coming

Joe Biden is being encouraged to replace Kamala Harris with a blast from the past to aid his floundering chances at re-election. 

Biden, who has struggled in the polls nationally and in key swing states, has left Democrats wondering if major change is needed to beat Donald Trump in November.

Questions and doubts exist over the health and ability to perform the job of Biden, at 81, the oldest president in American history.


Biden picks Billary, the Cheat Machine ensures his win, he gets sworn in and within hours, days, or weeks, he steps down and Hillary Clinton is President. She couldn't do it with an honest election against Trump, but she'll damned sure sleaze herself in.


  1. Complete denial about how she lost because she just isn'i well liked

    1. Hillary isn't as well liked as Kamala and would be all the more reason to not vote for Biden.

  2. Biden would have to be suicidal to pick her. Secret Service would be all day every day stopping her from greasing the stairs in the White House.

  3. Democrats are not even trying. Any state with mail in voting or ballot boxes is a win for them. Machine counting will be rigged and vote counting will not complete until a week after the election. illegals will be busy voting.

  4. I would not want to be between Hillary and the presidency.

    1. If she were my Vice President, the first job I'd fill would be Food Taster.

  5. Irving J ItchuballsJune 19, 2024 at 9:34 AM

    First of all, Demented Joe Bribem won't step down, he'll die of Clintoncide shortly after the inauguration.....but can you imagine the Hildebeast as El Presidente? If we thought we were seeing Banana Republic, sleazy, corrupt, bullshit shenanigans now hold on to your hats because we'll be going for a worse ride than the one we're on now....

  6. After the embarrassment in 2016 the very smart Democrats vowed “Never Again” and began to search for another way to skin a cat. The manufactured Covid and created George Floyd incident was successful in 2020. Most Liberal white women and 90% of the women of color could care less about Kamel Toe, but Hillary is another case. This strategy along with another Blue state voting cheat is spot on. It proves again how obsessed neurotics can bulldoze “the let’s play fair and by the rule” agenda. Living in hope is for losers.

  7. Biden Inc is rumored to further empty the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to lower fuel prices before the election leaving the US with barely a week or two's worth. If the DNC is wiling to do this to ensure a win, they'll have no problem going to their hocus-pocus strategic ballot reserve either no matter who is selected for great-gramp's VP.
    - WDS

  8. Rumor has it Kamala is thinking about running for governor after Gavin is termed out.

    Imagine that. Kamala as Governor with Alex Padilla and Adam Schiff as U.S. Senators. How lucky can you get?

  9. The election vs. Trump was not honest. They underestimated Trump's popularity by a wide margin, and just didn't have enough fake ballots. That also explains why Trump wasn't expected to win, and the total sourness of Hillary afterwards. It was promised to her, dammit!

    1. Well, she told us it was her turn.

  10. And then the wicked witch will appoint Newsome as the VP...

    Look for this prior to the first debate which they will likely reschedule to mid-July.

    When will they pull the trigger? The Friday before the 4th, just after 5 o'clock.

    1. brilliant - dang that makes soo much sense reading its too simple -
      and you are 100 percent technically correct on the pulling the trigger,

      TN goatfarmer

  11. Hillary could flash her tiddies and the election would be over.

  12. Hillary.....the turd that just won't flush

  13. Should Hillary cheat and steal her way into office, the odds of a civil war are a 100% certainty. She WILL seek to extract her revenge and punish everyone did not support her first attempt to be the historic first female president. She will do anything and everything to insure she remains in power, unchallenged. We will witness a reign of terror on par or exceeding what Stalin did to the citizens of the former USSR. The United States of American as we know it will cease to exist. There will be death camps. I pray that I am wrong with what I foresee as this country's future.

    1. What goes around comes around. With the full realization that this is heading into deep dark territory, I get the feeling that a Clinton presidency would be a short one. The expression "Arkancide" comes to mind here, but this time with the tables turned around. If she decides to declare war against the people, somebody just might step forward and say: I accept your terms".

  14. Wonder what a presidential Mu-Mu will look like? Omar the tent maker has already been notified.

    1. omar still married to her brother skunkboy ?

  15. Dream on. Does anyone realistically see Barrie and his handlers giving up the reins of power? Soetoro hates HiLlARy with a passion.
    I believe the PTB goal is Gavin. He has been groomed for this for quite a few years. The Davos crowd love him

    1. And he's done such a WONDERFUL job in California!

  16. Biden will pardon Hunter and then step down making Kamala President. Kamala will appoint Gavin Newsom VP. When the election gets here, Kamala will step aside to run for Governor of California setting Newsom up for the Presidential slot, and his VP will be a DEI person like big MIKE 0bama or Buttedgedge.

    1. seen Newsome being used alot of sites today- hell yall could be right &
      he is pelosi's nephew or something

  17. RE: Election '24.....It's Trump or WAR.

  18. The hatred for that *** exceeds even that for either Obummer

  19. Hillary, Obama, and Biden: Three POSs who'll sell out their country for a helluva lot less than 30 pieces of silver. .

    1. Pieces of shit who SOLD out their country. Fixed it for you.

  20. I don't know what the rest of you are smokin'. Kamel Toe WILL NOT just step aside if/when asked. She's another "crack whore who won the lottery" just like Big Mike. Gov of Califruitopia when Nuisance is named as Demonrat candidate? Would you do that if you were VP? Not a snowball's chance in hell. She's enjoying her cackling notoriety too much and she ACTUALLY THINKS she's got a shot at the title.



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