
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Commentary: ‘LGBT’ Is a System

When T.S. Eliot said that there are no lost causes because there are no won causes, he probably was not thinking of American conservatism,” begins the opening paragraph of Sam Francis’ seminal 1991 essay, “Beautiful Losers.” 

“American conservatism,” Francis wrote, “is a failure, and all the think tanks, magazines, direct mail barons, inaugural balls, and campaign buttons cannot disguise or alter it. Virtually every cause to which conservatives have attached themselves for the past three generations has been lost, and the tide of political and cultural battle is not likely to turn any time soon.”


  1. I can think of a couple things conservatives won just off the top of my head. Of course they were done without the support of 'conservative leaders' who like to pretend they are leaders.

  2. This is all profoundly sad, strangely funny and, as the best bittersweet humor is, true.

    The battle lines shift over night, ever so quietly, so that the old guard awakens to find that, though still in their same trenches, they are now turned about, enrolled on the side of their former enemy and having somehow completely surrendered the territory they once dearly defended. Few and perhaps none remember the lines of the previous days' front, so the aged warriors find themselves fighting the remnant of those who were their brothers-in-arms.

  3. On another note.
    What do you call a lesbian on fire???

  4. Conservatives are their own worst enemy. That's why they always lose. You can say whatyou want about leftists but they are well organized, committed to their cause and most importantly unrelenting. They never give up.


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