
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Benefits include regular bowel movements

Taco Bell is giving its rewards members the chance to sit back, relax and enjoy an early retirement.

On Tuesday, the chain unveiled The Cantinas, an innovative early retirement community where guests can embrace a laid-back lifestyle.


  1. Does the corporation that owns Taco Bell also own the manufacturer of Depends products?

  2. Replies
    1. That’s what the investors said!

  3. It sounds dumb but think of the world we are living in... going to need to check back in a couple of years and see if it's gone or if all the Taco Bell retirement communities have a wait list!

  4. All inclusive resort so young'uns can play at being retired. They would do better to save that money to actually retire someday.

  5. Taco Bell is part of the Yum Brands of restaurants, a corporation that supports child mutilation and pedophilia. I no longer share my money with them, or their fellow travellers: KFC, Pizza Hut, and a few others.


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