
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

He'll never miss it

A Las Vegas man accused of stealing about $14 million in gold and silver from his father’s home in Smoot, Wyoming, reportedly maintains he didn’t seal it, he was just keeping it safe.

Michael Reps, 60, allegedly told investigators he was merely protecting the gold from others who were trying to take advantage of his elderly father. 


  1. That article read more like a novel. But that's okay, as it was mighty fun to read.

  2. Yeah, when my brother-in-law was sick, his oldest son "protected" the coin collection by taking it out of the house and passing over to a friend "for safe keeping." A few months later my brother-in-law kicked the bucket and the will states the other son gets the coin collection.

    Oldest is refusing to return it ("I don't have it", technically true). Of course, the coin collection is "only" worth $10K-$15K (according to oldest). Bastard.

  3. I sure as shit hope he writes the kid out of his will.


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