
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bureaucrats Worry Behind Closed Doors They’ll Be Sent Packing Under Trump

Government workers are reportedly in a state of panic over the prospect of former President Donald Trump winning another term in office, according to E&E News.

Bureaucrats up and down the federal hierarchy are concerned that a second Trump administration could cost them their jobs and put an end to liberal programs they worked to implement under President Joe Biden, E&E News reported. Trump has, if elected, pledged to implement reforms that would allow him to fire up to 50,000 civil servants at will, with the former president singling out workers who are incompetent, unnecessary or undermine his democratic mandate.


  1. 50,000? That's only a bare minimum. Getting rid of half of the federal departments would be better.

    Michael in Nelson

  2. 50k thats peanuts, start with the 71k new irs agents, then go after the 2-3k DEI hires in the SS. You could toss 25% if USPS and get increased performance.


    1. USPS is not a federal agency. Same with the Federal Reserve.

  3. Sent packing? I'd prefer to see them turned into dog food which would then be donated to animal shelters across the country. That would mean they'd finally be contributing something positive to America.

    1. I'm not so sure. That'd be Soylent Brown. Guaranteed to give your dog the worst case of the shits you've ever seen, and with zero nutritional value, to boot. Head cheese has better cuts in it.

      We'd probably be better off incinerating them as an energy source. But get rid of the EPA first, because their regulations would prevent you from ever firing the thing up to begin with. Nobody makes scrubbers for smokestacks that are effective enough to bring down the pollution levels adequately.

  4. 50,000 what a joke, fire them all. 50,000 will not even account for the unfilled positions the government has available to allow for future RIFs. Everyone knows there are thousands of positions left unfilled for just this situation. We the people should demand efficiency and quality with our employees, yes we are the employers of these workers, let the cream of the crop rise to the top.

  5. "To replace large numbers of federal employees, Trump would reclassify them as Schedule F employees, allowing him to fire them at will. " I sure wish he could do that with some federal judges! If you don't get rid of them, the "firings" will be tied up in court for at least four years.

  6. where else can these people find a position to warm their buns for an average of $100k/annum
    it'll be a great way to reduce obesity in large proportion of the population

  7. And of course, none of these people worry that they aren't bringing exceptional value to the people they serve. Good riddance, parasites.

  8. From his lips to gods ears.

  9. GTFO. don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.

  10. Steve the EngineerJuly 23, 2024 at 3:13 PM

    Follow the example of Argentina. Just cut the budget & federal workforce by 50% on day 1. Suddenly, Argentina inflation went to ZERO. A big, fat ZERO.

    Unions screamed I am sure. No more getting paid just to occasionally show up.

  11. Didn't he mention moving different agency headquarters to various other states? Pick the right place, he might get more than that to take voluntary retirement. Minot, ND, Upper peninsula of MI. Stovepipe Wells, CA. Nome, AL. All viable candidates.

    1. Nobody wants that greasy filth on the upper great lakes area, the shores of Superior are already polluted with artists and liberal trash.

      Send the Department of War to Ft. Huachuca, the Treasury Dept. to whatever mint is worst, and the State Dept. to Chicago to learn to play peacekeeper and shitcan the rest.

  12. A start. Could be 3 X and still only a good start.

  13. Well, I hate to beat a dead horse - nevermind, I'll comment anyway...

    50K wouldn't apease me. 50% would be more like it, and I'd call it a decent start. Hit 90% in the first year and you've really made good progress. But I don't think we'll really be safe from those bastards until the percentage is closer to 99%

    And all of that could be done just firing the poeple whose job is to act in violation of the constitution.

    JOhn G

  14. I once had a young apprentice scoff at a janitor. I informed him that his job is just as critical as his may be in the future (he was still learning,) and that the only place you will find useless jobs and useless people is in the Government Sector.
    For all of the Government Employees worrying about their jobs, first see if your purpose in the Government actually helps out the country, then if it is, check to see if you are effective.
    If you are effective, then you will likely have work.
    If your occupation in the Government doesn't help the country, then get your resume in order.

  15. “He’s going to get people in place that are more intelligent and are more loyal to him,” a park service employee said.
    As opposed to the shit for brains loyalist people now?

  16. So... I guess not all of 'em are completely stupid. They still have to go though.

  17. Defund NPR.
    "For Duty and Humanity!"

  18. I'll believe it when I see it- talk (especially during an election year) is cheap-

  19. If I’m not mistaken, the last president to clean house in such a way was JFK. I read that somewhere I’m sure of it.

  20. Apply the 80 / 20 rule. Get rid of 80% and set work rules for the remaining 20%. Get it done or get out.

  21. If he doesn't start with AT LEAST 500,000, it won't make any difference. 5 000,000 would be even better.

  22. "At the end of 2022, with 2.87 million federal employees, 1.9% of US workers were employed by the federal government."
    A 10% reduction is 287,000 should be the minimum, 50,000 is a pin prick reduction

  23. Please tell me that he meant 50k per week. 50k would be less than a drop in the bucket.

  24. 50K doesn't even bring the numbers back to when Trump turned over the government to Biden.

    For starters, the 71K added IRS agents, whose greatest accomplishment so far seems to be spending 5.7 billion to collect 1 billion owed - not found in audits, only collecting what was unpaid from before. Instead of handling unpaid debts over to a debt collection company, Biden's handlers created the world's worst debt collection agency.


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