
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

MAGA’s Future

Three years ago, in my first year of college, my friend Austin, who was much more politically involved than me, convinced me to head to Orlando, Florida, for a political conference. It was then, on a cig break with a bunch of youngsters, when I first realized that J.D. Vance would become a superstar. The then-recently announced Senate candidate popped out of nowhere and joined the college crowd for a conversation about the future of American politics. In an event with so many “intellectuals” who wouldn’t bother talking to us, we all felt seen and heard.


  1. IDK. I'm a hillbilly from a long line of hillbillies. But he's come up awfully fast, and he's married to a mediocre-looking Hindi who clerked for Roberts. Kind of screams "plant". Rather like Reagan having to bring on CIA Bush. I remain skeptical.

    1. Certainly he and his dot wife will be just wonderful on immigration.

    2. I share your skepticism. Hell, Vance's rapid and meteoric rise in politics is almost a perfect analog of that taken by one barry "buttboy" soetero. 0-60 in 4.5 seconds, basically. Further, his dysfunctional upbringing and family situation as an adult (his choice of hindi girl boss as a wife, and clearly deferring to her culture at the expense of his own) makes him highly suspect, as does the fact he's just another ivy league lawyer (as if we needed anymore of those).

      It can also be observed that many women appear to instinctively dislike him, which is a pretty good indication he is faking his "credentials" in terms of his position within the socio-sexual position hierarchy. He pings their radar as being something other than what he presents himself as.

      Something about this guy is the fact that he is involved in politics at all is cause for suspicion, since nobody worth a shit actually wants to go anywhere near that field as a career.

  2. At first read this has the smell of political propaganda. Both sides engage in such so I wouldn't be surprised.

  3. Obama Popped Up outta nowhere.. And look how that worked out

  4. Look at who HATES his guts. Murdock, Rove, Graham to start with, and that's on the R side. Schumer & Pelosi's hemroids bleed at the mention of his name. I'm gonna give him a chance.

  5. JD Vance is solid on 2A.

    1. Nobody, and I repeat nobody in politics is solid on anything except self interest.

  6. Why did JD change his name THREE times?

    JD Vance was born James Donald Bowman in Middletown, Ohio (August 2, 1984). He then changed his name to James David Bowman. He then changed his name to James David Hamel. Eventually, in 2014, notably after Yale Law School (class of 2013) and after marrying his wife Usha, now age 30, he changed his name to write a book.

    It was 2014, that’s when JD Vance was born.

  7. Y'all need to read this article as well. Not trying to blow him out of the water but.... I trust that our president, DJT, has done his homework and that this is a start to repairing this country that the communists have f*cked up the last 4 years.

    1. I just hope DJT has learned something about the duplicitousness of DC after Mike Pence & the rest of the shitstorm that he's been forced to deal with.


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