
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

John Deere drops 'social or cultural awareness' events: 'Founded in America's heartland'

MOLINE, Ill. (TND) — Agriculture manufacturer John Deere announced Tuesday it would no longer support “social or cultural awareness” events in response to customer feedback.

The news follows a decision by the company to lay off some 600 workers in Illinois and Iowa ahead of its expansion to Mexico. A spokesperson told The National Desk the move was “in response to market conditions.”


John Deere has shown record profits in the past 3 years according to another site I visit (HERE), yet moves plants to Mexico, then has the balls to say it listens to customer feedback.


  1. I've never owned a John Deere. For many years so many I know that have them are waiting on parts. People don't buy farm equipment to look at it, they work it.

  2. It won't go well. The local management will mismanage and loot it.

  3. "then has the balls to say it listens to customer feedback." It seems honesty is no longer something that these major corporations hold dear... they just tell us what they think we should know and ignore everything else.

  4. I was stationed with a guy from Arkansas in the 'nam and he got a John Deere letter.

    1. I think about everyone in Nam got a John Deere letter. Took about two months, three tops.

  5. Don't read too much into their statement. They're just going back in the closet and hope no one notices. They're still going to hire based on checked boxes, support lgbt and tran support groups, pride month, black, hispanic, women, and asian history, (none of which has anything to do with manufacturing tractors).
    I might believe they're sincere if I don't see any questions asking if I'm straight, gay, trans, what my pronouns are, my identified sex or my race on the next employee survey.

    1. Found a link to Robby Starbuck (the guy who exposed TSC)
      This is just a taste of deere's wokeness

    2. Did you know about Harley Davidson going woke?

  6. Dang, I guess this turn around means we’ll miss a chance at seeing Dylan Mulvaney in a bikini sitting on a John Deere tractor TV commercial

    1. Geez! Now I can't unsee that image...🤣

    2. JD is dumping the traditional green and yellow color scheme and going with Bubblegum pink with purple wheels.

  7. I suspect that the next Trump admin will bump tariffs through the roof on equipment like this imported from overseas. It flies in the face of everything Trump professes and there have to be enough angry Congresscritters to see that it becomes law.

  8. JD is owned by Vanguard and has for at least a few years.
    Hopefully when the brand is worthless and kicked out of their portfolio, farmers or someone else will resurrect it and rebuild to it's former heritage, but not hoping to hold my breath.

  9. John Deere backtracking and doing damage control.
    If it wasn't for the fact so many JD owners are cult fanatics, the company would fold like cheap origami.
    There is a race between John Deere and Claas to see who can make the most service needy shit on the planet. Because they make such notable quality, every John Deere mechanic is always guaranteed work.

    1. You misspelled "Harley Davidson".

  10. I know I am not buying another juan yeere ever again. They lost my brand loyalty

  11. I hope the same thing happens to Juan Deere as happened to Briggs and Stratton when they moved from Milwaukee to mexico . They found it was tough to train a population who were largely illiterate .Also the work ethic down there is .... lacking ,the locals figured out if a machine breaks down , then , the operator of the broken down machine has an easy day . He gets to stand around and watch the maintenance crew figure out the issue with his machine .Guess what , pretty soon Juan and Pedro were breaking the stuff on purpose . That had a negative effect on productivity. After a bit they moved production back to the US .


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