
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Waiting for the MSM to run with this in 3... 3... 3...

Kamala Harris is descended from an owner of 120-plus slaves who ran a Jamaican plantation and fought against the abolition of the abhorrent trade, a British historian claimed today.

The Democrat would-be President is of Indian and Afro-Jamaican descent with her late mother, Shyamala Gopalan, born in Madras, now Chennai, while her father, Donald Harris, is from Jamaica.

The Vice-President's father, a Stanford University academic who is 85, was born in Brown's Town on the Caribbean island – named after Hamilton Brown, who is believed to be Kamala's slave-owning great-great-great-great grandfather.


  1. We already knew she's a slaver. She's a democrat, isn't she? The party of slavery, violence, and race baiting. Were it up to them, slavery would still be legal.

    Oh, wait, I forgot. Slavery *is* still legal.

    John G

  2. This is indeed HORRIBLE, and the people that never owned slaves therefore need to pay reparations to the democrats for having to give up their slaves for only ONE reason: bad Republicans.

  3. My wifes family were slaves in Jamaica. Proud Irish folk. Somehow they got to the USA and helped build the Erie Canal. Her Dad fought at Saipan. She has quit a history.

    1. The Brits hate the Irish, enslaved them whenever they could. Few know anything about the history of slaves in the new world. I am glad your wife's family made it out.

    2. Well, c'mon, Anon, they were Irish! Even the Irish hate the Irish. They just hate the English more.

  4. I'm somehow doubting Cackles will be the nominee after the DNC convention.

    1. But neither Kamala or Joe can be replaced on a lot of states' ballots unless they die...

    2. Well, as Trump recently came to understand with startling clarity, that can be arranged easily enough.


  5. Have we heard the MSM pushing out headlines about Camel Toe sucking Willie Brown's Johnson to get ahead in politics like we heard over and over about Trump "allegedly” banging Marla Maples just for fun?

    1. MSM is rehashing old news. Camel Toe "Heels Up" Harris was made famous for sucking Brown's Willie years ago. What Trump may have done would have been strictly for fun. Camel Toe was working it for career advancement. Can't say she was "sleeping" her way to the top when she was wide awake the (w)hole time.

  6. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago people were talking about something isn't kosher with her birth parents and her citizenship, so she can't run for President?

    1. Remember it was Hillary that outed Obama as being born in Kenya, not Trump. Is she being used as a false flag? Lets see who sues first.

  7. If I was a Dem voter who had voted in the primary for Biden I would be pissed. It was clear that Biden was this way for years and they hid it. Harris, the Dem Elites, and MSM knew it. Come the DNC Convention they will take away the Dem voter choice and the Dem Elites will pick who they want to run as President, which looks to be Harris. It shows they care nothing for the Dem voter only want the Dem Elites want - serfs to rule over. If I was a Dem, Republican, or Independent I would not vote for any Dem in the General Election for any Dem at any level.

    1. I won't vote for a Dem anywhere on the ticket. I learned my lesson with Jimmy Carter.

    2. That is how WE think, but we are talking about the average brain dead/washed Dem voter who has such misplaced hatred of Trump and the GOP they were still willing to support Biden. They will vote for a bag of rocks and are about to do so.
      They can't replace her unless it is with someone who checks more boxes.

  8. Link to article already broken. We can’t have information like that out in plain view for all to see.

  9. (Bugs Bunny voice)

    Ehh, Kamala Shyamala!

    1. Xiden missed a golden opportunity. He should have had her jetting nation to nation performing knee pad negotiations. Just imagine if Zelensky, Putin and the mulahas were all suffering with the same strain of STD.

  10. Weird that Barry won't support her since her family was his families biggest customer.

  11. A president that got to the top by using her head. Or was it giving it?


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