
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Democrats Flunk Democracy

In this election cycle, as in the last two, the Democrats have presented themselves as the champions of imperiled democracy. Donald Trump, they say, is a threat to American democracy, which they will save by keeping him from public office. In the last few weeks, with the chaos since President Biden’s disastrous debate performance, culminating in his being forced aside as the party’s nominee for the presidency, the Democrats have made a ridiculous spectacle of their party and in the process have revealed themselves as the enemies of what they say they want to preserve. The Democrats are flunking the test of democracy.


  1. You know, Donald Trump was loved by the democrats till he won the Presidency......they are two-faced liars, and they are everything they call Trump.

  2. Yep, the Party of in full court.

  3. Remember, they were so desperate to regain power, they stole an election to install a dementia/Alzheimers patient. This diagnosis is not new news. The symptoms were evident during the 2020 campaign for those that cared to look. Ask yourself why Bribem campaigned from his basement for close to a year?



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