
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Firearms Policy Coalition Takes No Prisoners in Sharp Response to Thin-Skinned Maine Governor

Talk about your thin-skinned politicians! Apparently, it doesn't take much more than an insult from critics these days to get the governor of Maine to scream for the police.

Since When Is Criticism a Crime?
Back in December, during an interview with a local NBC affiliate about blunders by official in the lead-up to the Lewiston mass shooting, Maine Gov. Janet Mills left the door open to tighter gun restrictions, including a ban on so-called "assault weapons." That segment was picked up and publicized by The Maine Wire, a conservative-leaning news site. That outlet's post, in turn, drew a pungent comment from the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), a pugnacious self-defense rights group that pulls no punches when it comes to defending individual liberty. So, of course the governor's office went crying to the cops.


  1. Drag him through all the mud holes you can find then kick him a few times just because

  2. Replies
    1. She's a Demonrat, so your description is inherent in her political affiliation.
      ... but, but, but mah fewwings.

      This is the same woman that sent a State Police SWAT team to confront a bar owner, who refused to close during Covid.

      Yet she gets re-elected. Go figure.



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