
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I done fucked up

I got an email from Wisco showing I had scheduled both the gifs and memes for the same time today.
Like I explained to him, I schedule the regular features first, then fill in the news articles later, and I probably got distracted by something and accidentally put them both down for 10am instead of 10am and 2pm. Either that or I just had my head up my ass. My bad.
But because shit like that bugs the hell out of me, I pushed the memes back to their regular time.
Sorry 'bout that.


  1. Boat plug. Gas. Now this... Gettin' old, fucker.

  2. Hey, I know you take stuff like that seriously and that's something we all like about you, but if that's the worst thing that happens to you today, you're still way ahead of the game! Thanks for everything you do for our entertainment and providing great newsworthy articles to help keep us in the know! Your site is awesome!

  3. Really? We all f'up. Perfectionism isn't the answer, giving your best and trying for better is. Admit, Adjust & Advance. Thank You.

  4. I am just thankful that you keep this blog going. I really, really appreciate the time and effort you put into it. So don't get bugged, pat yourself on the back for a fantastic job well done!

  5. Welcome back, hope you had a good break. I'm just happy that I get my 2pm fix again. That was a ruff week for me.

  6. I too appreciate all the work you put in on this. Glad you're back, hope you had a nice break.

  7. lol, the older I get the more forgetful I become. And while you were on vacation I must've checked for updates a dozen times. Welcome back and chalk it up for being rusty and enjoying your break. Thanks for all you do to entertain us, I hope your birthday was a fun day.

  8. Bright shiny things. If that's all you f---- up this week have a double after dark... or I will for you.

  9. Take a week off and we have to retrain you. Main reason some employers would not give me a day off for any reason.

  10. Shit, Kenny, I looked for my phone for two hours today. Finally found it in the cup holder on my tractor. I box bladed my road this morning and for some dumb reason, took it with me. It doesn’t even work unless I’m at the very top of the hill or in the house on WiFi. Not sure what I was thinking. Eod1sg Ret

  11. Anyone heard from Irish?

  12. Just don't let it happen again or else....

  13. Hey, Stevie Ray Vaughan missed a note here and there...

  14. You are doing fine. We are all happy too see you back up and at it again. My daily dose of sanity and humor to start the day. Almost as crucial as coffee.

  15. Kenny,the ones that haven't made a mistake....Have never made anything! Keep on keeping on,mate.

  16. Further to that;I have only known politicians to have their head up there arses.Usually so far that they're inside out.


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