
Thursday, July 04, 2024

IRS: Illinois loses $10 billion in income from 87,000 people moving out

More than 87,000 people moved out of Illinois taking with them nearly $10 billion in income, according to the latest Internal Revenue Service data. For the last six years, the total lost adjusted gross income is more than $47.5 billion. 

For nearly a decade, annual population estimates from the U.S. Census show Illinois losing population. For well over a year, Gov. J.B. Pritzker has denied the state’s population decline, saying the Census is getting it wrong. In May, he doubled down. 


  1. How is that calculated? Unless you are a remote worker, isn't a job still there, either just not filled, or maybe filled at a lower pay rate due to inexperience?

    1. The people going are most likely the ones making jobs, and their businesses are going with them.

  2. This figure is most probably caulated on taxes filed.
    Less returns filed shows less income, hence less stolen booty for the state.

  3. The people moving are the highest paid (and lowest consumers of government services) so it is a double whammy on top of a sharp drop in sales of all the products they would otherwise buy. No purchases of food, no new cars, new clothes, etc.

    Plus, it isn't just people who move, companies move to taking their entire payroll with them.

    1. And to those companies, I'm sure Govenor Billionaire Fat Ass would say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out".

      That guy is a complete moron. As is his sister, who gave Barry O his new Hawaii home.

  4. To make up the difference, they just doubled the property tax in Cook county.

  5. With the exception perhaps of California, couldn't happen to a better state.

    1. You made a gross error. I know people down state in IL who are just as red, white and blue as the most fervent conservative. Lots of people in IL who are like that.

      Same for Cas. BTW: how many gun owners in your state? CA has at least six million. Likely more like eleven million, maybe more.

      Lots of God fearing conservatives in those two states. Cook County in IL and LA, SF, and Sacto in CA are the problem.
      Families that have worked the same land for generations can't just pick up and move that easy.

    2. It's the city of Chicago.
      Not the state.

    3. You're singing my song, Rick. My wife's great-grandfather bought the first parcel of his 1034 acre ranch from a French fur-trapper in 1854, four years after California was admitted to the Union. 170 years of family history doesn't fit in a U-Haul.

  6. The Census data was manipulated after biden became president. NY and CA should have lost more congress representatives than they did. Census workers is a another agency that needs to be revamped if trump gets past the election fraud.

    1. That's why SloJoe picked the crooked Gov. of Rhode Island to feather not only CA, Ny but RI and ANY other state that should have lost a Dem. Rep..

  7. I have to drive across that place every so often. I make a point to top off with gas in Missery, Iowa, or Indiana depending on direction. I don't stop in Illinois.

  8. But, the replacements are on the way.

  9. I hope the majority were republicians. We don't need democats spreading their shit.

  10. May they looe $100-billion more!

  11. No worries.
    Jaun and Cuntswaylow will be there momentarily with their 9 children to take up the slack in welfare reciepts.

  12. A lot of them are cops are firemen taking their pensions to FL, TX, and, as you know, TN.


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