
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Joe Biden’s Final Humiliation and the Fight Ahead

Alleged President Joe Biden’s cowardly capitulation to the will of the Democrat elite validated the cruel truth that we have always known about him – and that he has always known about himself. He’s a quitter. He’s a loser. He’s weak, and he’s stupid, the Democrat Party’s Fredo, given – by default – responsibility beyond running a nightclub out in the boondocks or picking somebody up from the airport and, predictably, botching it. Joe Biden is the ultimate personification of the Peter Principle, the only principle he has ever demonstrated. 


  1. Harris' best strategy for this 2024 election comes from Madonna in 2016, who promised a BJ for every vote for Hillary- not much time left, Kamala, better get busy-

  2. I don’t feel sorry for this schlub. He has had 50 years of grifting the system, looting the taxpayers, and selling us out for money to communists. Not to mention his odious family and his proclivity for sniffing babies, groping young girls, and showering with his daughter.

    No, sorry but not sorry about his dementia; he’s getting off way too easily. Fuck Joe Biden with a rusty fork.

    1. Sucks to be you, Joe- never too late to do the right thing while you can- free will-

    2. I only regret they didn't get a chance to hang him for his other countries' interests.

  3. But I'm curious: where is Biden now? No one has seen him in 3 days now and none of his own party seems to care. Harris hasn't been sworn in, so who is minding the store?

    1. My prediction would be a state funeral at the most politically advantageous moment- by the end of 2024?

    2. The same people that have been minding it for the last few years. You give him too much credit for ever running the country.

  4. Good riddance, ya schmuck.

  5. He's always been a big mouth POS wannabe tough guy..... It's a shame nobody took him "out back" and beat his ass before he got so old it would be elder abuse.... Fuck Joe Biden

    1. Actually, you could take him out back today and beat his criminal pedo ass, knowing full well you can do it again tomorrow and he won't remember.
      A shame you can't string him from the gallows for his crimes.
      I will accept Pelosi and Barack in his stead.

    2. Wow, groundhog day ass-kickings.

  6. What about all the reputed body doubles?
    Supposedly there are at least 4. It must have taken some real work to find 4 more people that dumb.

    Seriously, if the vegetable pegged out, would they tell us? Or just put in (one of) the understudy?

    1. The movie was already's called "Dave." Released in 93.


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