
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kicked out of the army, hired as a cop

The Illinois deputy who fatally shot Sonya Massey in her home while responding to her 911 call was discharged from the U.S. Army for "misconduct (serious offense)," according to documents obtained by ABC News.

Sean Grayson, the former Sangamon County sheriff's deputy, was discharged on February 24, 2016, after beginning service in the U.S. Army on May 5, 2014. He served for a total of one year, nine months and 19 days, Grayson's certificate of discharge from active duty shows.


  1. Wait, we're gonna have another George Floyd event when the Democrats get the BLMers and ANTIFA contracts signed, sealed and delivered. The burn, loot and destroy shit will hit the fan right around voting time to deter people from going to the polls and cover their stuffing and cheating

  2. I am not saying that the killing was justified but did you know that she was throwing a pot of boiling water at him at the moment he fired? Watch this video - there's a second body cam which clearly shows it.

    If you are the cop in that moment, how would YOU react?

    Now why in God's Green Earth she thought it was a good idea to throw boiling water at the cop, I cannot fathom.

    1. That's pretty much bullshit. She wasn't throwing the water. Plus your video doesn't show anything of the sort. It's a lot of talk, but no real evidence (there IS no video evidence showing the supposed throwing of water, which is why they did the video the way they did.)

      At least be truthful, fer chrissake.

    2. Stop lying. She wasn't throwing a damn thing "at" the deputy. She said "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ." and the demon said "you better not, or I'm going to shoot you in the face." Moments before he shot her in the face.
      She called them because she was afraid of a prowler, they came inside, they instructed her to turn off the stove and move the pot, then the demon possessed monster lost his shit. God I hate liars.
      She "threw" the water *as she realized she was going to die*. Hold a pot of boiling water while a demon screams at you sometime. Then let the demon shoot you in the face. Watch what your reflexes do to the pot..and if the demon was afraid of the boiling water, he should not have gotten *closer* to the threat! And the water was on the floor *before* the bullet entered he skull. God rest her soul, and may he be punished for his wickedness.
      Idgaf about dindus, but this lady was actually an innocent, unlike that fucker Floyd.

    3. Spoken like a true leftist shill, comrade

    4. Then she yelled, "I can't breathe"...

    5. Anonymous 10,01 am if you disagree with anon 9:04 am, why dont you present some facts instead of calling him a leftist shill.

    6. Anon 11:25 is me.

  3. Yeah good question, “Where’s the gun?”

    I guess the White COPS must get fatigued from dealing with these africans and their 67 IQs?

    COPS will shoot anything, for any reason, you know that right?

  4. If decent honorable men no longer want to be L.E.O. because of the crazy politics of our day you get this cat, BIPOC invaders, or any banger looking for a way to get rich. The war against traditional America is being conducted and traditional America is still thinking old rules and justice will save them. The paradigm is in the midst of shifting with biblical consequences.

  5. This bastard should be publicly hanged!

  6. Cop stepped forward to engage..... an aggressive maneuver. I have been in this position (SWAT) and chose to step backwards (still had my weapon on target with trigger being pulled back, I can still see the hammer coming back), but the aggressor (a pitbull) didn't advance any further and the owner (suspect was able to call his dog successfully back), and I relaxed off the trigger. My point - subtle moves forward or backward can inflame/defuse situations. SMO - this cop was looking for a problem, even setting her up to be at the stove to begin with.

  7. I saw this video when it first came out. The killer cop didn’t have his camera on the whole time. This piece of s&/# cop murdered this lady flat out. He claimed she was going to throw scalding water on him, she was across the room by the sink and stove. He’s screaming at her to put it down and she’s trying to. She rebukes him in the name of Jesus, he flat out shoots her in the eye. Watch the body cam of the other cop. He even knows the other cop messed up bad. This is what’s allowed to be a police man these days. You need help, don’t ever call a PIG!!

  8. I read in another article that he had been booted from 6 other police departments before he became a deputy.

    1. I think whoever hired that guy with that track record is also responsible for that ladies death.

  9. He'll be fine candidate for Death Row. I hope the other inmates deal with him appropriately. He deserves far worse.

    1. Unless the Feds prosecuted this dude, he'll be safe in Illinois. Illinois has no death penalty because of politics or racism or misogyny or something.

  10. Shooting aside, a discharge from the military for "commission of a serious offense" is what is called an "other than honorable" discharge. This is a discharge that is handed out by Non-Judicial Punishment (what is called NJP or Article 15). In an NJP, your commanding officer can impose punishments without regard for evidence or even your actual innocence.

    When I was in the Navy, we had a commanding officer who was incredibly authoritarian, Captain Macke. He was a douche, but retired after getting his fourth star. More on that in a minute. Why was he a douche? He would hold Article 15 (Captain’s Mast) like this:

    They would put all of the accused on an aircraft elevator at the hanger deck level, maybe 20 or 30 of them, and the Captain would be standing behind a lectern on the flight deck. They would raise the elevator to the flight deck, and the Captain would say: “You all must be guilty, or your officers wouldn’t have sent you here. I find you guilty as charged. You are hereby reduced in rank one paygrade, fined one half pay for two months, restricted to the ship for 45 days, and 2 hours of extra duty every day for 45 days, to be served under the duty master at arms. Dismissed.” (This is the maximum punishment that can be given without a courts martial)

    At NJP, the punishments can be:
    Reduction in rank by one grade
    Restriction to the duty station for up to 45 days
    Up to 45 days of up to two hours' extra duty each day
    Confinement in the brig/stockade on nothing but bread and water for up to three days
    Other than honorable discharge

    Now there are rules as to what combinations of the above can be given, but the CO has the option of deciding innocence or guilt without evidence and without regard for anything but his own feelings on the matter.

    The reason that this is important is that Macke believed that officers were absolutely unimpeachable. One of the things he used to say was, “If I have 100 enlisted men with 100 video cameras that show me 100 videos of something taking place, and I have one officer who tells me that isn’t how it happened, I will believe the officer every time.”

    That attitude from military officers is one of the reasons why I am so anti-authority today. Incidentally, that douche was forced to retire after being investigated by the Defense Department inspector general for allegations that he used military aircraft for personal trips and improperly fraternized with female subordinates while he was CINCPAC. They dropped him two paygrades for that. After he retired, his civilian job appeared to be using his military contacts and influence to arrange funding and lucrative government contracts for his new employer. So much for unimpeachable officers. The best thing that I can say about the hypocritical sunovabitch is that he died in 2022.

  11. I think we can all agree, there is no situation so bad that a cop can't make it worse

  12. So, what jackass state allows 'less than honorable' dischargees to get state law enforcement credentials?

  13. Pieces of shit like this "LEO" just give more fodder to the defund cops assholes.
    He should be in jail until trial, just like any black thug would be for killing a McDs employee for serving cold ass fries.

  14. "Bad cops" give the other 3% a bad reputation.


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