
Thursday, July 04, 2024

Man Baldwined by another customer at gun shop

A new grandfather was killed inside a Kentucky gun shop Saturday when another customer accidentally fired a weapon, police said.

The tragedy occurred around 8:30 p.m. at Humphrey Double H Farms Enterprises Inc. in Carrollton when an unidentified shopper who was viewing a firearm began “manipulating it,” state troopers said Monday.


  1. Pure negligence. All customer firearms need to be in a case, then cleared by staff. Nothing should be handed to a customer without clearing, ever.

    - Arc

  2. After a decade as an infantry soldier and another 30 years of competitive shooting and hunting, I can only mutter WTF?

    Why did a gunshop have a loaded firearm being handled by a customer? How were utterly basic precautions such as "Always check safety when you pick up a gun" ignored, in a fucking gunshop. How were all of the 4 rules of gun safety violated in a gunshop? I could go on and on, but I'll just shake my head and offer a prayer for the poor man who was so pointlessly killed.

    1. I had the exact same thoughts.

    2. Common sense is in short supply now a days.

    3. I handed a customer a Glock 19 with the slide locked back. He produced a loaded G17 magazine, inserted into the magazine well and let the slide go forward. I grabbed the pistol with one hand and started to draw my pistol with the other hand. When told to let go of the Glock the idiot stated he only want to see if his G17 magazines would fit in a G19.
      When idiots wanted to by holsters they would start to draw their own loaded weapon to see if that pistol would fit. I only worked part time but it happened every f-ing week or so it seemed.
      BTW we had two negligent discharges, both by LEO's. One shot the cash register, on bounced one off the deck. Both happened before I worked there.

    4. Just because they're allowed to carry doesn't mean they know how to carry

  3. Hey Kenny....

    The hell......? We are our worst enemy sometimes...who gave a customer a firearm that wound up to be loaded, nobody was supervising the transaction? there was a lot missing from that story granted.

  4. something doesn't add up....i guess it's possible that the events are exactly as described but god damn, the only thing that would make sense is if the counter guy was showing customer his personal carry and didnt check it...i've seen some sloppy 'customer service' at a few different gun stores but nothing potentially deadly

  5. Every gun I ever handled in a gun shop was handed to me with the action open and empty. Why wasn't the fool watching where he was pointing the gun anyway?

  6. So many stupid, reckless/idiotic decisions and actions that led up to this tragedy. Lord have mercy. If someone (who isn't suicidally trying to rob the place) gets shot in a gun shop, things had already gone off the rails long before the shot was ever fired. Shit.

  7. Nothing accidental about it. Pure negligence on several levels.

  8. Accidental discharge is caused by a mechanical failure, negligent discharge is caused by an operator failure. This sounds like a negligent discharge, and although vague sounds like several people screwed the pooch this time.

  9. Bloody hell, was it an accident or stupidity

  10. Replies
    1. I was beginning to wonder if anybody was going to catch that.

  11. I have a friend who owns a gun shop and he had a discharge in the store of a gun that was shipped with a round in the chamber. I momentarily lapse can change everything, forever. Bless his family.


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