
Friday, July 19, 2024

Meanwhile, at 'Lake ShadowBay'.....

LONGWOOD, Fla. - People living in the ShadowBay neighborhood of Longwood say this week marked the third time the streets have flooded like this in just the past few weeks. One neighbor could wind up owing thousands of dollars because of it.

Those residents say this problem is entirely new and traceable to one neighbor.


  1. She filled two storm drains with concrete. Wait till the HOA folks try to remove it and find the bodies of a couple of clowns.

  2. Sounds more complicated. So the storm 'drains' were not connected to the city storm drain system? But the drains and the pipe were crossing her property and terminating on her property?
    Sounds like something a neighbor here did many years ago, set up a drain pipe into a vacant lot next door. But some ten years later a house was constructed on the property. In that case the ground prep and leveling demolished the drainpipe.

    Similar situation?

  3. What an idiot they need to be heavy fined


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