
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

New Panama President Following Through on Pledge to Cut Illegal Migration to U.S.

The Panamanian government is touting progress on efforts to reduce illegal migration through the Darien Gap, a dense jungle region that has long served as a gateway point for South American migrants making their way to the United States.

The National Border Service, Panama’s version of the U.S. Border Patrol, reported that 11,363 migrants had crossed into the country from Colombia since July 1, when President Jose Raul Mulino first entered office, according to The Associated Press. That number marks roughly 9,000 fewer crossings compared to the same time period last year.


  1. Nice gesture, but it's Too little. Too late.

  2. Hopefully an arkancide is not his future.

  3. Those 9,000 likely were just picked up by the democrats in their country of origin.

  4. First El Salvador, now Panama. Central America, getting its act together. Now they need to get that commie pinko in Nicaragua out of the way.


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