
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Biden health cover-up is a scandal to match Watergate!

Democrats hope they can just turn the page on Joe Biden by closing rank behind Kamala Harris.

It's not that easy.

The failed coverup of Biden's patently dire condition discredits everyone close to his White House – including his Vice President.


  1. I like the fact Trump is suing to keep Biden's campaign cash with Biden instead of rolling that money to Harris. Watch it get knocked down with Trump not having any standing.

    1. Paul, I just heard about it. if it doesn't get dismissed right off the bat it'll be delayed by the liberal courts till after November.

  2. And the current cover-up, that he has "covid", or not? Mark Steyn, yesterday, points out:

    For some strange reason, the Our World In Data hub has July 2024 Covid numbers for every country on earth except the United States. So we'll have to make do with adjoining jurisdictions: in Canada, the July 7th stats show a supposed Covid case rate of 8.06 people per million; in Mexico, 3.32 people per million. Oh, wait: here's a lonely pinprick of US sovereign territory that managed to get its July numbers in. Puerto Rico: a Covid case rate of zero people per million.

    And yet one of those 8.06/3.32/zero people is the most cosseted and insulated and medically monitored person on the face of the earth? What are the odds of that?

  3. If slo joe wasn't such a huge asshole I might feel sorry about the abuse his not a doctor wife and the rest of the trash around has done to him but NOPE fuck joe biden

  4. What cover up? Only total morons didn't know Zou Xiden was a few bricks short of a load back in 2016 when he departed the vice position. All the pontifications since then were by people and organizations that were corrupt but had a hand in the game.
    Make that a few thousand bricks short.


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