
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Federal Housing Agency Hasn't Gotten Its Economic House in Order, Under Both Parties

Paul Fishbein’s conviction on rent fraud charges in New York City last year was a feast for the tabloids. 

The story was crazy enough to get readers to click. Prosecutors said that Fishbein, 51, somehow convinced local housing agencies that he owned dilapidated apartment buildings that he didn’t, enabling him to move in tenants and skim government rent subsidies meant for lower-income, disabled, and elderly residents. Fishbein kept the con going for more than years. His take: $1.8 million. 


  1. Fraud is a very common crime among the 2%

  2. The only thing the housing authority has accomplished is to make some of its high level officials very rich

  3. Any govt agency ( fed, state, county, city) does not investigate fraud because it would make them look bad. I bet it is a trillion a year. Minimum.


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