
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sorry, no sympathy here

It's one of the wealthiest states in America, with residents of its fanciest zip code luxuriating in $3 million red-brick apartments.

But the writing is on the wall for Massachusetts, says an alarming new study.

The 50,000 non-legal migrants who've entered the state since Joe Biden became president are putting a costly strain on schools, healthcare, and other services.


Typical fucking liberals, so shortsighted they couldn't see the damage that it would cause. 
Wait, what am I saying? They can't even see past the ends of their noses, yet they look down on Conservatives like we're the dumbasses. 


  1. Steve the EngineerJuly 31, 2024 at 9:52 AM

    Altruism bites if you can’t think critically

  2. I’d say they get what they deserve, but in reality they will push these illegals onto the middle class to deal with.

  3. 50,000 !!! That's all. They're not getting their fair share.

  4. And all those people protesting in Boston will vote for Kamala Harris for President.
    Change my mind.

  5. For a long time now the Massholes have known that they can always sell that 3 million dollar place and move up to New Hampshire or Maine. 3 million up here buys a lot of house and land until recently.

  6. you can bet your bippee they are not winding up in marthas vineyard, cape cod, or breeds hill

  7. Non-legal migrants?

    They just can't call it can they.

  8. As a conservative lifelong Massholechusetts resident, I'm glad to see some pushback- however, I believe the governor is only doing this to get additional Federal funding to build permanent illegal housing- they're not turning anyone away- they actually had a PR effort last year to try to convince residents to sponsor illegal alien families in their homes (of course there was no follow up reporting to show how things had worked out)- you saw how quickly illegals were booted off Martha's Vineyard last year (<48 hours)- I'm sure that MV being an elite democrat destination plays a big part- I can't wait to get out-

  9. Plus these fools elect people like Warren so I feel no pain for them. The only pain I feel is if any illegal comes out of Mass to my state and the Federal taxes get directed to Mass, which none should.

  10. The average democrat in massachewits is not seeing anything about illegals in the media in their home state.

  11. from Egremont to Nantucket, they all vote solid blue
    whatever befalls them, so be it

  12. They need another 100k so ship boxcar loads of the to the assholes

  13. No fucks given you get what you vote for.

  14. Get the Governor's name right, you people! It's not Maura Healey. It's Gomorrah Healey.

  15. I recently went to a grocery store with a longtime elderly friend that leans a particular way politically to help her with her grocery list. There were dozens of people loitering about, napping in the green spaces around the parking lot and panhandlers harassing the store patrons in the parking area everywhere. We were approached by at least three adults and two children asking for money. It visibly upset her and she asked “ where did all these people come from?!” I wisely did not answer the question hoping she would be able to make the connection herself.



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