
Thursday, July 04, 2024

Three Out of Four Electric Vehicle Charging Developers Say They Can’t Get Enough Electricity For Their Stations

Businesses building electric vehicle charging stations say that finding enough electricity is a major — perhaps fatal — problem.

Of the 211 developers surveyed by Xendee, a California-based software company, 75 percent said that electric grid limitations are among the biggest roadblock to building EV charging infrastructure. The total cost of the infrastructure was a problem for 63 percent of the respondents, and permitting delays were cited by 53 percent of those surveyed.


  1. Fun hobby, EVs.

    1. it's part of state and gov. surveillance,
      read this--

  2. Stick your charging cord up Al Gore's ass, that'll solve your problem.

  3. Only the govt can create what they say is a great idea but in reality it cannot happen...

  4. "... electric grid limitations are among the biggest roadblocks..." means the developers want to put in chargers but don't want to pay for the necessary upgrades to lines and transformers. There is electricity available if the developers are willing to pay actual costs required to deliver it. They just think someone else should pay for it.

    1. Californians will disagree with you whenever PG&E cuts power to thousands of people every damned summer because they don't have the electricity. They can only produce so much even with upgrades to lines and transformers.

  5. And they ask their customers to cut their usage. Please!!!!!


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