
Monday, August 05, 2024

A Feel-Good Story for your Monday

A couple of months back, Arteman Córdova was out fishing with a few friends on a lake near his home in Ecuador when he made the catch of a lifetime.

It all began when Córdova heard the sound of whimpering from the shore in the distance — then he heard a splash.
-Capt Pat


  1. Nice story but the page has nothing but ads making it impossible to read.

    1. I didn't have that problem when I hit the link just now to check. There was exactly one video ad in the middle of the story but the rest were in the sidebar.

    2. I had the same problem.
      Great story.
      Love them doggies.

    3. Same here. I saw no ads. Brave browser.

    4. I'm using Chrome and saw no ads even without my adblocker being on.

  2. Interesting that dogs seem instinctively drawn to humans.

    1. They are, and vice versa. The symbiotic relationship between dogs and humans, and between cats and humans, is many thousands of years old.

  3. smart dog and good person ! and I hate assholes that dump dogs !
    came across one asshole back in the late 1970's and never forgot it.
    we pull over to "help " this guy out and found out he was dumping a box of puppies.
    I got all the pups and my buddy John beat the shit out of the asshole.
    dropped them off at the local shelter and the sheriff told us , we did good. but next time bring the asshole in so he could charge them. dave in pa.

  4. There is definitely a place in heaven for him.

  5. Nice work by you and John, Dave in PA. Evidently the sheriff didn't specify whether to bring the next one in after his ass was beat or unbruised and let his deputies do it afterward.


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