
Monday, August 05, 2024

'Tis but a drop in the bucket

In a massive downtown raid, members of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Heavy Metal Task Force arrested 82 people and seized 2,000 pounds of stolen copper wire, city leaders announced Tuesday.  

Formed earlier this year, the Heavy Metal Task Force, which includes members of the city’s Bureau of Street Lighting, has been working to combat the sharp increase of copper wire thefts and scrap metal crimes, especially in areas like downtown L.A., Boyle Heights, El Sereno and Lincoln Heights.


  1. Hey obammy said he would "fundamentally" change America and the Kenyan communist asshole did exactly that

  2. Wait! Wait! Wait!
    I thought the job of Kalifornia's police was to protect all criminals and make sure they can steal whatever they want.
    THESE thugs are not registered democrats.

  3. 2000lbs of copper at 5lbs per traffic camera....
    Who's a good boy!

  4. Oregon made so much red tape to claim scrap, most electric contractors throw their leftover wire in the dumpster.

  5. You know each red light camera has over 5 pounds of copper. Just saying.

  6. Y'know, if they really want copper that badly, they should be made to mine it, old school.

  7. Arrest is one thing, the DA bringing charges and the judge setting a stiff sentence is another.

  8. There was a business here who bought stolen copper wire, but the authorities couldn't prove he knew it was stolen.
    Well, when the power wires leading to his shop were stolen, the power company took their own sweet time restoring his power.

  9. @ Steve
    they just expense the excess to the job

  10. So the city creates a task force for their stuff being stolen. But for residences and stores not so much.

  11. They call it Heavy Metal because the guys on that detail didn't want to be called the Copper Coppers.


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